
  • 网络Urumqi Petrochemical Corp
  1. 介绍了乌鲁木齐石化公司和沧州石化公司催化装置专用COR系列抗钒降烯烃催化剂开发和工业应用。

    Development and application of two COR vanadium-tolerant olefin-reducing catalysts , specially developed for Refinery of Sinopec Urumqi Company and Sinopec Cangzhou Company , were described .

  2. 为了加大这一过程中,反应的进一步研究了用乌鲁木齐石化公司生产的尿素和独山子石化公司生产的乙二醇进行的合成。

    In order to scale up the process , the reaction was further studied with the urea produced in Urumqi Petrochemical Company and the ethylene glycol produced in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company .

  3. 乌鲁木齐石化公司净化水厂通过长期实践认为,转筒式离心机对含油污泥的处理非常有效。

    After its treatment way was explored and tested in Water Purification Factory in longer period , Rotational tubby centrifuge was considered to be very available to treatment of oil-bearing sludge .

  4. 中石油乌鲁木齐石化分公司经营者绩效管理与报酬体系研究

    Research on Performance Management and Reward System of Executive in the Branch Office of CNPC

  5. 最后以中石油乌鲁木齐石化分公司下属二级企业为典型案例,结合定性与定量分析,对经营者提出绩效管理计划与报酬体系设计的建议方案。

    Based on the principle of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis , presents a set of method about performance management and reward system on executive of the enterprise .