
  • 网络Uda;Otak-otak;Otah
  1. 基于遥感和GIS的内蒙古乌达矿区煤火变化监测研究

    A Research on Coalfield Fire Monitoring in Wuda Mining Area at Inner Mongolia Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  2. 综合物探手段在煤田灭火中的作用基于遥感和GIS的内蒙古乌达矿区煤火变化监测研究

    The Role of Integrated Geophysical Prospecting Means in Coalfield Fire Extinguishing A Research on Coalfield Fire Monitoring in Wuda Mining Area at Inner Mongolia Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  3. 据NPR新闻的内达·乌达比报道,这位71岁的日本建筑师几十年来在这一领域都拥有强大的影响力。

    NPR 's Neda Ulaby reports the 71-year-old Japanese architect has been a powerful presence in this field for decades .

  4. 乌达矿区主采煤层泥炭沼演化及其特征

    The evolution and characteristic of peat swamp in Wuda coalfield

  5. 乌达矿区高硫煤层的聚积环境与煤中硫的分布

    Depositional environment and sulfur distribution of high-sulfur coal in Wuda Mining Area

  6. 内蒙古乌达矿采空区自燃发火条件实验研究

    Experiment Study of Coal Spontaneous Combustion Conditions in Goaf of Wuda Coal Mine

  7. 乌达煤矿采空区煤自燃影响因素评价分析

    Evaluation and Analysis Influential Factors of Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Wuda Mine Goaf

  8. 乌达矿区煤自燃预测标志气体研究

    Study on sign gas for predicting coal spontaneous combustion in Wuda mine area

  9. 乌达矿区煤中黄铁矿的赋存特点及其可选性评价

    The distribution characteristics and its washability evaluation of pyrite in coal in Wuda coalfield

  10. 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘中宁、乌达地区石炭纪海相双壳类

    Carboniferous marine bivalves from Zhongning and Wuda of western margin in Ordos basin , China

  11. 内蒙古乌达矿区煤中硫的同位素组成及演化特征

    Components of sulfur isotopes and characteristics of sulfur evolution in Wuda Coalfield , Inner Mongolia

  12. 贺兰山北段晚石炭世和早二叠世植物群古生态研究内蒙古乌达地区早二叠世早期植物群

    PALAEOECOLOGICAL studies of Late Carboniferous and Early Permian Flora from northern part of Helan Mountains

  13. 高硫煤中硫的地质演化模式&以内蒙古乌达矿区为例

    Model of Sulphur Accumulation in the High-sulphur Coal & A Case Study from the Wuda Coalfield , Inner Mongolia

  14. 乌达煤田煤层自燃内因分析与自燃类型划分

    Analysis of spontaneous combustion internal factors and division of spontaneous combustion types of coal seam in Wuda coalfield , Inner Mongolia

  15. 直升机航空电磁法在岩性构造填图中的应用效果&以内蒙古乌达地区为例

    Applied Effect of Helicopter Airborne Electromagnetic Method for Geological Structure Mapping & Take Wuda District of Inner Mongolia as an Example

  16. 以内蒙古乌达煤田火区为实例,论述了煤火环境影响综合评价的实施过程。

    The fires in Wuda coalfield of Inner Mongolia is taken as an example to show the application of comprehensive assessment of environmental impact of coalfield fires .

  17. 乌达矿区煤的洁净利用地质技术与动态评价&地质-采矿-选矿的有机融合、动态协调技术在矿区的实际应用

    He Geologic Technology and Dynamic Evaluation of Coal Clean Utilized in Wuda Coalfield & the practical application of the harmonious technology of geology , mining , and washing

  18. 根据外因条件不同将乌达矿区16个火区划分出大矿采空区起火、小煤窑起火和煤层露头起火3种类型;

    According to different external conditions , 16 fire blocks are divided into 3 types : mine vacant space fire , small coal-pit fire and seam outcrop fire .

  19. 来自北苏丹军队的飞机轰炸了与南方联盟的组织的基地,努巴山区腹地卡乌达的战略性飞机场。

    Aircraft from the north Sudanese army bombed a strategic airfield at Kauda , in the heart of the Nuba mountains , home to southern-aligned groups it calls rebels .

  20. 因此,美国不仅仅只是布什家族和肯尼迪家族,同时也有芝加哥的戴利家族、纽约的库莫斯家族、位于落基山附近的几个州的乌达儿家族。

    So America has not only its Bush and Kennedy clans , but the Daley family of Chicago , the Cuomos of New York , the Udalls of the Rocky Mountain states .

  21. 以内蒙古自治区乌达矿区为例,介绍了地理信息系统在煤岩煤质资料分析中应用的可能性、基本原理、方法、优势及其展望。

    Taking the Wuda Coal Mining District as an example , the possibility , fundamental principle , method , advantage and prospect of Geographical Information System in coal petrology and quality data analyses are introduced .

  22. 在太子觉悟并熄灭了苦恼焰火,而成为圆满证悟的佛陀之后,他用内在心眼观看以前的两位老师&苦行者阿拉罗和乌达卡。

    After the prince was Enlightened , and had extinguished the fire of suffering , being the fully Enlightened Buddha , He directed his inner eye to his former teachers : the ascetics Alara and Uddaka .

  23. 东南沿海晚白垩世火山岩浆活动特征及其构造背景呼伦贝尔盟和昭乌达盟晚侏罗世-白垩纪火山岩同位素年龄

    Characteristics and tectonic setting of Late Cretaceous volcanic magmatism in the coastal Southeast China . ISOTOPIC AGES OF THE UPPER JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS VOLCANIC ROCKS FROM THE HULUN BUIR LEAGUE AND THE JU UD LEAGUE , INNER MONGOLIA