
  • 网络ouse;Mobius
  1. QUASAR模型是一维动态综合水质模型,是由英国Whitehead建立的贝德福郡乌斯河水质模型发展而来,并成功地应用于英国LOIS工程。

    QUASAR model , which was developed from a model of Bedford Ouse by Whitehead and has been applied as part of the UK LOIS project , is a dynamic river water quality model using 1D ordinary equation .

  2. 一辆巴士驶上横跨河水暴涨的乌斯河一座大桥。

    A bus crosses a bridge over the swollen Ouse .

  3. 阿米尼乌斯也死得很惨,被自己的部下害死了。

    Arminius also came to a sticky end , murdered by his own troops .

  4. 用一根软钢条做成麦比乌斯带,将其磁化。

    Make a Mobius strip out of a ribbon of mild steel and magnetise it .

  5. 两只幼鹿无声无息地跑出树林(南希M.德比乌斯)

    Two young deer ghosted out of the woods ( Nancy M. Debevoise )

  6. 随后在1933年,剑桥的一位数学家S.斯奇乌斯表明,如果黎曼猜想是成立的,那么就会在之前找到一个转折点。

    Then in 1933 a Cambridge mathematician , S. Skewes , had shown19 that if the Riemann Hypothesis were true , a crossover point would occur before which ,

  7. 在H2气充分过量的情况下关于H2S为一级反应.回归出的活化能与温度的关系服从阿仓尼乌斯定律。

    The order of sulphuration reaction for H_2S is one under the condition in excess amount of H_2 . The relation between activation energy obtained and temperature follows the Arrhenius Law .

  8. 通过一个不识字的神婆作灵媒,这位住持发现,裘里乌斯凯撒(juliuscaesar)本人在永昌县度过了生命的最后时光,而且死前皈依了佛教。

    Through an illiterate woman who acts as a medium , the abbot has discovered that Julius Caesar himself spent his final days in Yongchang County and died a Buddhist .

  9. 在亚历山大圣约翰Almsgiver(609或619)采取了这封信由Arsas自己的手,才阻止突的撒拉逊人(619)使用它,以获取沉积塞尔吉乌斯。

    John the Almsgiver ( 609 or619 ) had taken this letter from Arsas with his own hand , and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens ( 619 ) from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius .

  10. 百年来文学上的麦比乌斯圈现象

    The Mobius Phenomenon in Literature in the 20th Century Circle of Friends

  11. 底珊的儿子是乌斯,亚兰。

    The sons of Dishan ; Uz , and Aran .

  12. 温度对溶解速率的影响受控于阿雷尼乌斯方程。

    The effect of temperature on dissolution rates follows the Arrhenius equation .

  13. 见到她之前,我想起了墨比乌斯带。

    Before I met her , I thought of the Moebius strip .

  14. 其实他们不知道,帕尔乌斯做事向来是大手大脚的。

    They did not know that Parvus did everything on a large scale .

  15. 乌斯他丁在急性重症胆管炎围手术期应用探讨

    Study On Perioperative Application Of Ulinastatin In Patients Suffering From Acute Severe Cholangitis

  16. 靠近艺术还是靠近机械&格罗庇乌斯的思想转变

    Close to Art or Close to Machine-About the Thoughts Conversion of Walter Gropius

  17. 贝德福德英格兰中南部一市区,位于剑桥以西的乌斯河河畔。

    A municipal borough of south-central England on the Ouse River west of Cambridge .

  18. 麦比乌斯圈是拓扑学上的一个概念。

    Mobius Circle is a concept of analysissitus .

  19. 他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。

    His boy was dead , slain by the hand of the false Amulius .

  20. 斯奇乌斯数则是一个更更大的数,1后面跟着101034个0!

    Skewes ' number was much bigger again , as 1 followed by 101034 zeroes !

  21. 我想我已经应该向你们清楚地表明我对爱利舍-乌斯马诺夫的看法。

    I thought I should make my views on Alisher Usmanov quite plain to you .

  22. 打倒暴君阿穆利乌斯!

    Down with Amulius the tyrant !

  23. 普布利乌斯·赛勒斯,叙利亚拉丁语作家

    Publius Syrus , Syrian Latin writer

  24. 他说在乌斯河里有一条近一码长的狗鱼。

    He said that there was a pike in the river ouse almost a yard long .

  25. 那是阿普列乌斯告诉我们的。

    Apuleius tells us of them .

  26. 肝移植术中乌斯他丁对机体急性炎症反应的影响

    Effects of Ulinastatin on Acute Inflammatory Action Caused by Ischemic-reperfusion Injury during Piggyback Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Operation

  27. 在皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世统治下,罗马卷入了诸多血腥和不得人心的战争。

    Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II-Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular military campaigns .

  28. 这后者的事实是,没有说明由斯特拉波,但它是所提到的席琳狄翁卡西乌斯号结论。

    This latter fact is not stated by Strabo , but it is mentioned by Dion Cassius .

  29. 一月和二月是在公元前700年左右,由第二代罗马国王怒马-庞皮利乌斯加上去的,是为了与阴历相匹配。

    January and February were added around 700 BCE by Numa Pompilius to reflect a lunar calendar ;

  30. 汉尼拔在这儿打败了佛拉米尼乌斯,葡萄藤在这儿伸出绿枝,安静地互相拥抱着;

    here , where Hannibal defeated Flaminius , the rivers now held each other in their green embraces ;