
wéi nán
  • feel embarrassed;feel awkward;be in a quandary;make things difficult for
为难 [wéi nán]
  • (1) [feel awkward;be in a quandary;feel embarrassed]∶难以应付

  • 为难的事

  • (2) [make things difficult for]∶使人难应付

为难[wéi nán]
  1. 同时也是一种让人感到为难的行为。

    Also a behavior of people feel embarrassed .

  2. 因此不需要感到为难。

    So no need to feel embarrassed .

  3. 好吧,也许我在那件事上使你为难了。

    Well , maybe I stumped you on that one .

  4. 她接受了这个令人为难的差事,负责打头几个电话。

    She had the unenviable task of making the first few phone calls

  5. 我并没有太过热情而让她为难。

    I did not embarrass her with my effusions .

  6. 一些当地人为难民们提供食品和衣服。

    Some locals offered food and clothing to the refugees

  7. 别紧张,孩子,我们不会为难你的。我们只是需要一些信息。

    Relax , kid , we 're not about to roust you . We just want some information

  8. 我不会为难自己的,力所不及的事我是不会干的。

    I don 't beat myself up . I don 't deal with things I can 't handle .

  9. “那肯定不好过,”亨特说,突然为黛安娜的困境感到很为难。

    ' It must be very difficult , ' said Hunter , feeling a surge of embarrassment for Diane 's predicament

  10. 西方阵营里的保守分子处境十分为难。

    The dilemma is a serious for conservatives in the western camp .

  11. 听他的口气好像很为难。

    Judging by the way he spoke , he seemed to be in an awkward situation .

  12. 那个人的要求使我为难,我不知道如何是好。

    The man 's request put me in a quandary , I didn 't know what to do .

  13. 他们很少捣乱或提出过分的预算要求来为难市长或市参议会。

    They seldom rock the boat or annoy the mayor or board of aldermen with unusual budget requests .

  14. 他已不止一次为难我,因此下次他求我帮助时,我也让他碰碰钉子。

    He 'd let me down more than once so the next time he asked me for a favour I gave him the brush off .

  15. 用英国国土换取舰只,议会感到为难

    Parliament would be touchy about bartering British soil for ships .

  16. 与姻亲之间的矛盾常常让人两面为难

    Rows with one 's in-laws often create divided loyalties .

  17. Why(doyou)putmethroughthis?为什么为难我?你为什么为难我?

    A : Why do you put me through this ?

  18. 众议院议长约翰•博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)从不错过一个为难巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)总统的机会。

    House Speaker John Boehner never misses an opportunity to embarrass President Barack Obama .

  19. 历史显示,市场恐慌能令这些资金瞬时消失,让早已倍感压力的欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)更加为难。

    History shows that a market panic can make those funds suddenly unavailable , potentially putting an already stretched European Central Bank even more on the spot .

  20. 笔者应用局部脑血流(rCBF)的单光子发射CT(SPECT)显像方法对34例临床确诊为难治性癫痫的患者进行了发作间期的检查。

    RCBF SPECT imaging , CT and EEG were performed in 34 patients with medically intractable epilepsy during the interictal period .

  21. MG是一种严重危害健康的疾病,已被世界卫生组织列为难治性疾病。

    MG is a serious disease which threat to the quality of life . It has been listed a difficulty disorder all over the world by the world health organization .

  22. 目的探讨丝裂霉素C(MMC)在泪道阻塞激光成形术后抑制纤维组织增生的作用,为难治性泪道阻塞激光成形术后应用MMC提供依据。

    Objective To study the effect of mitomycin C ( MMC ) on the prevention of cicatrisation in laser treatment of the lacrimal passage obstruction .

  23. 你最近的反叛让你爸爸很为难,Nate。

    Anne : Your latest rebellions have been very hard on your father , Nate ,

  24. 慢性前列腺炎(CP)是临床较为难治的男科疾病之一。

    Chronic prostatitis ( CP ) is a common disease which is hard to cure in urology and andrology with an uncertain aetiology and epidemiology .

  25. 该制备方法提高了Nb2O5难溶固体粉末在催化剂中的分散,为难溶固体粉末催化材料的应用提供了可借鉴的方法。

    The preparation method improves the dispersion of Nb_2O_5 in Au / α - Fe_2O_3 catalyst and gives insight into the application of unsolvable solid powder catalytic materials .

  26. 【结论】ACA和复发性流产的关系最为密切,其次依次为难免流产、过期流产和先兆流产。

    [ Conclusion ] ACA is most closely related with RSA , then come to inevitable abortion , missed abortion and threatened abortion .

  27. 3O>R(%)>O为难生化。该文还通过模拟氧化塘处理废水,证明COD去除率同R(%)呈显著正相关,说明了相对耗氧率的准确性和实用性。

    Treating wastewater with simulated oxidation pond , it showed that the COD removal efficiency was found to be extremely related to R ( % ) which illustrated the accuracy and practicality of relative oxygen consume rate .

  28. 低频率电刺激(LFS)为难治性癫痫的治疗提供了新的选择。

    Brain stimulation with low-frequency stimulation ( LFS ) is emerging as an alternative treatment for refractory epilepsy .

  29. MFC以苯胺和葡萄糖为混合燃料时,可在降解苯胺的同时实现稳定地向外输出电压,这为难降解的苯胺类有机物的处理提供了一条新的思路。

    The results have clearly demonstrated high potential for the use of MFC to generate electricity from an aniline and glucose mixture as fuel and simultaneously degrade the aniline .

  30. 但COD中有约56%为难生物降解的木素,且黑液中含有高浓度的氨氮(2265mg/L)、无机硫化合物(1907mg/L),这些都是对厌氧处理不利的因素。

    The content of un-biodegradable lignin in COD is 56 % , the concentration of ammonia nitrogen and inorganic sulfur compound is very high in black liquor . All these are disadvantageous factors of anaerobic treatment .