
  • 网络man-in-the-middle;man in the middle;Man-in-the-middle attack;mitm
  1. 基于ND的中间人攻击及其对策

    Man-in-the-middle Attack of ND and Its Countermeasures

  2. 一种可抵御中间人攻击的IPv6地址生成方法

    IPv6 Addresses Generating Method Defeating Man-in-the-middle Attack

  3. 一种对WLAN的IEEE802.1x认证实施中间人攻击的改进方案

    An Improving Project of Man-in-middle Attack to WLAN in the Process of IEEE 802.1x Authentication

  4. IKE协议抵抗中间人攻击的研究

    The Research on IKE Protocol Against Man in the Middle Attack

  5. 一种基于ARP欺骗的中间人攻击方法及防范

    A Method of Man-in-the-middle Attack Based On ARP Spoofing

  6. IKE协议防止中间人攻击性能分析及改进

    Capability Analysis and Improvement of IKE Protocol in Defence of Man-in-the-Middle Attack

  7. 改进了DH密钥交换模型,通过加入可信任第三方避免了中间人攻击的漏洞,使认证查询和密钥协商过程更加安全可靠。

    Improved DH key exchange model , a TTP was added to avoid middleman attack ;

  8. IKE协议中对中间人攻击的分析和改进

    Analysis and Improvement on KE Protocol against Man-in-the-Middle Attack

  9. 一些研究者指出,RDP协议容易受到中间人攻击。

    Many researchers showed that it was vulnerable by man-in-middle attack .

  10. 另外,确认Web服务器的身份可以降低中间人攻击的风险;中间人攻击可以盗用用户的凭证或利用给定会话中存储的信息。

    Furthermore , the confirmation of the identity of the Web server reduces the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks being used to obtain and abuse a user 's credentials , or take advantage of information stored in a given session .

  11. 虽然这不是SSL标准的一部分,但是这个步骤却是高度建议的,它可以防止中间人攻击。

    This is not part of the SSL standard , but is highly recommended to prevent a man in the middle attack ( MITM ) .

  12. 在IKE协议中采用的D-H交换极易受到中间人攻击的威胁。

    D-H exchange in IKE is prone to be threatened by man in the middle attack .

  13. 认证请求利用MAC参数抵抗拒绝服务攻击,而同步数据集可以实现抵抗中间人攻击的目标。

    The authentication request uses MAC parameters to resist the denial of service attack , and the synchronous data sets can realize the target of resistance to broker attack .

  14. 处于两个通信参与者Alice和Bob之间的一个恶意的攻击者Mallary可以主动操纵协议运行过程的信息并成功实施所谓的中间人攻击(man-in-the-middleattack)。

    An adversary Mallory in the middle of the communications between two principals Alice and Bob can manipulate the protocol messages to succeed an active attack called man-in-the-middle attack .

  15. 论文先介绍了SSL协议和中间人攻击的原理,然后重点分析SSL协议在握手阶段基于X。

    The paper first introduces SSL protocol and man-in-the-middle attack , then analyses the problem of distrust in the handshake of SSL protocol , discusses the restriction of trust negotiation based on X.

  16. 目的为解决目前WTLS协议中缺乏前向安全性、无法抵抗中间人攻击的问题。

    Aim In order to solve the trouble of the lack of forward secrecy and intermediator attack in current WTLS protocol .

  17. 为了避免WLAN在进行IEEE802.1x认证的过程中遭受中间人攻击,对IEEE802.1x标准的运行机制进行分析,证实了对WLAN在进行IEEE802.1x认证时确实存在被中间人攻击的危险。

    To avoid WLAN suffering from Man-in-middle attack at proceeding of IEEE 802.1x authentication , the implement mechanism of IEEE 802.1x protocol is analyzed , and confirmed that proceeding IEEE 802.1x authentication risked for man-in-middle attack .

  18. 所述方案支持用户自由更改口令且无需表格,可以防止ID窃取、猜测攻击、中间人攻击、拒绝服务攻击等。

    Our scheme allows the users to choose and change their passwords freely , and do not maintain any verifier table . The scheme is secure against ID-theft , and can resist guessing attacks , insider attacks , the reply attacks .

  19. 509数字证书的信任协商不足问题,再结合ARP重定向欺骗,具体分析了SSL中间人攻击的实现原理和过程,最后给出一些防范SSL中间人攻击的建议。

    509 digital certificate , and makes a concrete analysis of the principle of ssl man-in-the-middle attack based on arp redirection . Finally , the paper gives some suggestions on how to prevent the attack .

  20. 通过给硬件固化唯一不可更改的标识,在Supplicant端建立AP信息记录表等,中间人攻击可以有效地被避免。

    Through solidifying the unique ID of hardware that cannot be changed , and establishing the AP information record table in the supplicant , the man-in-middle attack can be avoided efficiently .

  21. 但是,文中通过对两个认证协议的分析,指出了BAN逻辑在对中间人攻击和口令猜测攻击的安全协议分析中存在的缺陷,并对被分析的认证协议进行了改进。

    But through analyzing two authentication protocols , BAN logic defect in protocol analysis about man-in-the-middle attack and key guessing attack was pointed out , and the improved protocol against a man-in-the-middle attack and one against key guessing attack are given in the paper .

  22. MoxieMarlinspike在周三的黑帽安全大会上解释了如何通过中间人攻击来破坏SSL层会话。

    Moxie Marlinspike , who spoke at the Black Hat security conference on Wednesday , explained how to subvert an SSL session by performing a man-in-the-middle attack .

  23. 在讨论了抗重放攻击、防篡改、防窃听及中间人攻击的情况后,协议安全性由GNY逻辑进行证明。

    In discussing the anti-replay attacks , tamper-proof , anti-wiretapping and man-in-middle attack , security is proved by the GNY logic .

  24. 在深刻理解IKE协议的前提下,提出基于ECC算法结合数字签名的解决方案,改善IKE协议在IPSec协议中的易受拒绝服务攻击、中间人攻击和身份保护问题。

    In a deep understanding of the premise of IKE protocol proposed ECC-based digital signature algorithm with solutions to improve the IKE protocol in IPSec protocol vulnerable to denial of service attacks , middle attacks and identity protection .

  25. 另外,本方案采用服务器和每个成员共享一个独特口令的方式,对成员发送的消息进行加密、解密;同时,服务器进行TF运算对消息内容进行更新,可有效抵抗中间人攻击。

    In addition , each member has a unique password with the server , which is used to encrypt or decrypt the massages in FTS and TF Arithemtic updates the messages among members , which could effectively prevent insider attacks .

  26. 西方开发的多数网页浏览器,包括苹果的Safari、Mozilla的Firefox和谷歌的Chrome,都会提醒用户这些所谓的“中间人攻击”,即黑客通过把Web流量重新路由至不安全的连接,拦截登录资料。

    Most western web browsers , including Apple 's Safari , Mozilla 's Firefox and Google 's Chrome , alert users to these so-called " man in the middle " attacks , in which hackers can intercept login details by rerouting web traffic through an insecure connection .

  27. 从上周末开始,中国各地的许多用户在尝试登录iCloud账户时,可能正在把登录信息泄露给第三方。这被称作中间人攻击。

    Starting over the weekend , when many users across China tried to sign into their iCloud accounts , they may have been giving away login information to a third party , in what is called a man-in-the-middle attack .

  28. WAPI能为用户提供全面的安全保护。然后,针对WAPI可能遭到的中间人攻击,做了改进性建议。最后,基于WAPI给出了校园无线局域网的解决方案。

    WAPI be able to provide users with comprehensive security . Then , WAPI may have been aimed at the middle attacks , making suggestions for improvements . Lastly , given a solution of the campus wireless LAN based on WAPI .

  29. 该系统在802.1x增强性解决方案基础上,增加1台微机作为代理,对网络中的假冒接入点和混杂模式节点进行检测,以杜绝802.1x方案中的中间人攻击和会话劫持攻击。

    On the basis of the enhanced resolution of 802.1x , the system adds a computer as the agent and detects the counterfeit accessing point and the promiscuous node in the network to prevent the intermediator and the conversation hijacking attack in the 802.1x .

  30. 基于蓝牙的中间人攻击的研究

    Analyzing the technique of a man-in-the-middle attack based on bluetooth