
zhōnɡ děnɡ shī fàn jiào yù
  • secondary normal education
  1. 中等师范教育的困境及适应性思考

    Difficulties of Secondary Normal Education and Reflection on Adaptability

  2. 综合中学制与中等师范教育改革

    Comprehensive middle school system and the reform of secondary normal schools

  3. 中等师范教育资源与现代小学教师教育&连云港地区小学教师教育90年历史回顾

    Resources of Elementary Teacher Education and Modern Education of Primary School Teachers

  4. 山区中等师范教育发展的构想

    The Development of Normal Schools in Mountainous Regions

  5. 传统的中等师范教育仍然不能适应社会发展的需要。

    The traditional education of secondary normal school cant meet the needs for the social development .

  6. 第二部分梳理了这一时期四川省中等师范教育的发展情况,主要从中等师范教育规模的发展,教育经费的规范化和教学安排及考试的专业化发展来说明。

    The second part introduces the development of the secondary teacher education in Sichuan Province in this period .

  7. 但中等师范教育的发展并不能满足初等教育的需求,它与初等教育之间的关系是不平衡的。

    However , it couldn 't meet the needs of elementary education , thus the development of secondary teacher education and the elementary education was imbalance .

  8. 针对中等师范教育实际,创设适合学生特点的数学教学情境,对于调动学生学习数学的主动性、积极性和创造性,提高学生的参与度,培养学生的职业技能有着重要的意义。

    In accordance with the objective reality of the secondary-normal-school education , it is of great significance to create maths teaching circumstances fit for the students ' characters , so as to mobilize their initiative , enthusiasm , creativity , sense of participation as well as cultivate their occupational shills .

  9. 中等师范学校教育结构调整对策研究

    The Strategy Research on the Structure of Education Adapt in Normal School in China

  10. 在经历了千百年的流变之后,民族民间舞逐渐成为我国专业舞蹈教学及高、中等师范艺术教育中的主要教学内容之一。

    Nowadays , it comes to be one of the major course contents for specialized dance training and artistic education in normal universities and Secondary normal schools .

  11. 中等师范素质教育,必须首先做到教学观念的转变,提高领导和教师素质;

    To carry out the quality education in normal schools , we must do something : First of all , change the teaching idea , and improve the quality of leaders and teachers .

  12. 对中等师范学校师德教育进行研究,是提高未来小学教师的素质和推进教育创新的需要。

    It is necessary to study on students ' ethics education as teachers in normal schools because it can improve primary school teachers ' qualities in the future and promote educational reformation .

  13. 中等师范是职业教育中比较重要的一部分,然而,由于录取制度的改革以及毕业生就业压力等因素的综合影响,中等师范学校生源质量在急剧下降。

    Normal School education is an important part in secondary vocational education , however , because of comprehensive factors such as the enrollment system reform and graduate employment pressure , secondary normal school students ' quality falls sharply .

  14. 科举制度时期的教育主要包括官学教育、书院教育和蒙学教育等方式,新式教育时期的教育则包括初等教育、中等教育、师范教育和实业教育等方式。

    The education during the imperial examination system mainly includes the Official Education , the Academy Education and the Private Schools of Education . The education during the new education period includes Primary Education , Secondary Education , Teacher Education and Industrial Education .