
  1. C市中小学教师培训工作的调查研究

    Research on Teacher-training of City C

  2. 陇南市农村中小学教师培训现状调查报告

    Investigation on Rural primary and secondary school Teacher 's Training in Longnan city

  3. 构建开放式中小学教师培训模式初探

    Probe into Construction of Open Training Mode of Teachers in Primary Middle Schools

  4. 论新课程与中小学教师培训

    The New Curricula and the Training of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools

  5. 中小学教师培训失真成因及对策浅谈

    Causes of Faults is Teachers ' Training and Countermeasures

  6. 中小学教师培训价值理性缺失的反思

    The Lack of Rational Values to the Primary and Secondary School Teachers Training

  7. 贫困地区中小学教师培训体系研究

    Research on the System of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers Training in Impoverished Area

  8. 影响我国当前中小学教师培训质量的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors that Affect the Quality of In-service Teacher Training in China

  9. 认知弹性理论指导下的中小学教师培训教学

    The Instruction of Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training with Guidance of Cognitive Flexibility Theory

  10. 谈西部地区农村中小学教师培训的弊端

    Problems and Relative Measures of Teacher Training in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools in the West

  11. 中小学教师培训首先显示为教师学习,而且是校本学习。

    Training for teachers in primary and secondary schools is primarily teacher learning , especially school-based learning .

  12. 本文还试构了对中小学教师培训机构、培训内容以及参加培训的教师进行评价的指标体系。

    In this paper , the author tries to build up the index system for training evaluation .

  13. 俄罗斯中小学教师培训过程中存在的问题与策略

    The Problems Exist in the Training Course for Russian Elementary and Secondary School Teachers and Its Corresponding Strategies

  14. 1978年以来我国中小学教师培训政策研究&价值观念的变迁及其启示

    Research in Policy of Teacher Training of Primary and Middle School in Our Country Since 1978 & Changes of Value and Enlightenment

  15. 本文对从事中小学教师培训的院校开设《现代教育技术》的课程设置、培训内容等方面提出了自己的一些看法。

    This paper gives some propositions on the course setting and training contents of 《 Modern Education Technology 》 in colleges for teachers ' training .

  16. 我国现行中小学教师培训主要是一种外控的理论型教师培训,这是由教师培训与教学实践之间的文化隔离造成的。

    Due to the culture segregation of teacher training and teaching practice , the current teacher training in China only stays on the theoretical level .

  17. 中小学教师培训是我国教师教育的重要课题,也是促进我国教师专业发展的重要手段。

    Teacher training is an important problem of teacher education in our country . It is the main method to promote teachers professional development as well .

  18. 与此同时,中小学教师培训也将随着这一系列的变化而带来新的发展,它必将成为我国基础教育改革的重点问题,因而对其有效性的研究将具有很强的现实意义。

    Meanwhile , with the systematical changes , teacher training will have new development ; it will definitely become an important problem in elementary education reform .

  19. 教师培训理念体现了中小学教师培训越来越注重实效、越来越贴近教师实际需求的潮流趋势。

    Teacher training philosophy reflects the trend of more and more pragmatic , more and more close to the actual needs of teachers about teacher training .

  20. 基于认知弹性理论,中小学教师培训教学宜采取如下教学设计策略:1.注重概念的多视角表征,实施概念的多维分析设计;

    Based on the theory , the principles of teaching design are as follows : 1.emphasizing multiple representation of concept and carrying out multi-dimensional analysis of concept ;

  21. 作为新兴的教师培训模式,开放式教师培训在未来的中小学教师培训工作中将越来越受到关注和重视。

    More and more attention will be paid to open teacher 's training , a new teacher - training mode in the future training project for teachers in primary and middle schools .

  22. 随着中小学教师培训在全世界范围内的重视程度越来越高,我国教师教育的发展也将更多的精力投入到教师培训工作中。

    With the primary and secondary school teachers training attract more and more attention around the world , teachers in our country education development will also spend more energy in the teachers ' training .

  23. 信息化是中小学教师培训的趋势之一:首先它是整合教育发展目标和教师发展目标的必然要求;

    Information is one of the tendencies for training the primary and middle school teachers . First of all , it is a necessary demand to reform the educational developing target and the developing goal of teachers .

  24. 三是结合我国中小学教师培训的新特点,对九江县农村小学教师院校培训中的主要问题,提出了相应的解决对策与建议。

    Thirdly , on the basis of the up-dated features in primary and secondary school teachers training , suggestion is made in response to the problems existing in rural primary and secondary school teachers training in Jiujiang county .

  25. 本文分析了当前中小学教师培训工作中存在的不足,从8个方面论述了我国中小学教师培训改革与发展的问题

    This article analyses the deficiency of the current work of the training of primary and middle school teachers and discusses , in eight different aspects , the issue of reform and development of the training of primary and middle school teachers

  26. 然而,中小学教师培训却滞后于教师专业化发展需求,仍然按部就班地按照原来教师培训方案与方法来实施培训,全然不顾教师在培训中产出的新问题与需求。

    However , the training of K-12 teacher has lagged behind the demand for teacher professional development . The fact is that the outdated training program was still employed to in K-12 teacher training without noticing the new problems and demanding .

  27. 改革开放以来,中小学教师培训时代背景不断发生变化、新课程改革以及社会、家庭、学生对高水准教师队伍的需求不断增加。

    Since the reform and opening up , the primary and middle school teachers ' training background changes constantly , the new curriculum reform , the society , the family , the students increase their demand to the high level of teachers .

  28. 我在常州市教师培训中心科研处工作,本中心既是常州市中小学教师培训机构又是常州市中小学教师培训(包括校本培训)的业务管理部门。

    I am working in Changzhou Scientific Research Center of Teachers ' Training . It is a training agency for Changzhou teachers of primary and middle schools , as well as a management department of teachers ' training ( including school-orientated training ) .

  29. 加强对和田地区民族中小学教师培训是促使教师素质不断提高的最直接、最有效的途径,使其在提高民族中小学教学质量、推动义务教育普及的过程中有着不可替代的作用。

    To strengthen the training of national primary and secondary school teachers is most direct and effective way in improving the national quality of teaching in primary and secondary schools , it plays an irreplaceable role in promote compulsory education universal of the process .

  30. 笔者在分析目前国内外的的教师信息化教学能力培养现状和存在问题的基础上,通过对现有模型的借鉴与创新,提出了应用型课题研究促进中小学教师培训知识向信息化教学能力迁移的模型。

    Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign teachers ' informationized teaching ability , by drawing and creating existing models , the author proposed applied topic research model which promote the primary and middle School teachers ' training knowledge transfer to informationized teaching ability .