
zhōng xiǎo chéng shì
  • Small and medium-sized cities;small-medium cities;middle-sized and small cities
中小城市[zhōng xiǎo chéng shì]
  1. 但是实际上我国中小城市幼儿园尤其是欠发达地区幼儿园的户外环境建设还不够完善。

    But the constructions of outdoor environment in middle-sized and small cities , especially less developed areas in our country , are actually not perfect enough .

  2. 大型综合体育赛筹办时间长、投资大、参与人员多、竞赛水平高等特点,中小城市承办这类赛事对城市经济发展会产生深远的影响。

    Large comprehensive sports games have the characteristics of long-time preparation , large investment , a large amount of people involved and high-level competition . This kind of sports events may have profound effects on the t middle-sized and small cities that host the game . 3 .

  3. 数十年来,很多中小城市的中心区域在居住于郊区的工人们结束了一天的工作后即被摒弃。

    For decades , many downtown cores in small to mid-sized cities were abandoned after work hours by workers who lived in the suburbs .

  4. 后WTO时期中小城市商业银行发展研究

    The Development Research of Small and Medium-Sized City Commercial Banks in Post-WTO Period

  5. 中小城市首级GPS控制网布测方案的选择

    Optimal Selection of Primary GPS Control Network Design in a Middle or Small City

  6. 基于PETRI网的中小城市应急管理系统的研究

    Research on Emergency Management System of Mid-minor Cities Based on Petri Net

  7. 基于GIS技术的中小城市公交线路优化设计&以梅州市为例

    Optimization Design of Bus Routes in One City Based on GIS Technology & A Case Study on Meizhou

  8. 联想一直专注于拓展中国农村和中小城市地区,这些地方的PC拥有率尤为低下。

    The company has focused in particular on rural areas and small cities in China , where PC ownership is lowest .

  9. 男性,家庭经济收入800~9999元,中小城市,1类农村是低HDL-C的保护因素。

    Male , family income per year between 800-9999 RMB , middle city , rich county are protecting factors for low HDL-C.

  10. 近几年,佛山等国内一些中小城市陆续开始尝试城市公交TC模式,并引起了全社会的广泛关注。

    In recent years , TC mode , being taken gradually in some small or middle-sized cities such as Foshan , has drawn attention from the whole society .

  11. 同时说明了基于节点控制的工作流自动化是中小城市房地产管理OA系统的可行实现方案。

    Workflow automation based on control nodes is proved to be a feasible scheme of the real estate management OA system suitable for middle and small cities .

  12. 针对日益严重的水体富营养化问题,结合中国南方中小城市污水处理现状,阐述了循环活性污泥法(CAST)的工作原理,并利用它处理城市生活污水。

    In view of more and more serious eutrophication of water bodies and combination of municipal wastewaters of treatment in south-china , the principle of Cyclic Activated Sludge Technology ( CAST ) was introduced in this paper .

  13. 另外,汽车制造商们开始将注意力转向中小城市,目前中国13亿人口中超过80%的人在中小城市居住,这些地区的人均GDP仅为约4000美元。,

    Moreover , manufacturers are turning their attention to the smaller cities where more than 80 per cent of the country 's 1.3bn people live and per capita GDP is only about $ 4000 .

  14. 试论通过PPP模式处理我国城市垃圾PPP模式在中小城市生活垃圾处理服务中的运用研究

    A STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF MSW BY PPP IN CHINA Study on Using Public-Private Partnerships to Improve the Provision of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Services in Medium-Small Sized Cities

  15. 随着抗TMV番茄品种的全面推广,弱毒的利用将会失去重要性,目前一些中小城市番茄品种正处于更新时期,弱毒仍可发挥一定作用。

    But recently , this attenuated strain of TMV can be used in some of the middle or smaller cities where the tomato cultivars are changing .

  16. “需求研究所”报告作者之一路易丝蘒襗(LouiseKeely)表示,通过在大批中小城市开设奢侈品购物中心来获益的指望是一个“神话”。

    Louise Keely , a co-author of its report , described as a " myth " the expectation of reaping benefits by opening luxury emporia in a host of smaller cities .

  17. 本文的研究具有两个意义:一是为下阶段衡阳移动的3G营销提供了较强的方法指导;二是为中小城市制定合理的3G营销策略提供了方法模版。

    The study of the paper has two meanings : one is that offering strong method guidance for the next stage of hengyang mobile 3G marketing ; the other is that providing the templates for formulating rational 3G marketing strategy method in small and medium-sized cities .

  18. 西门子S7-300PLC在县级中小城市污水处理厂中的应用

    Application of SIEMENS S7-300 PLC in Waste Water Treatment Factory in Medium and Small City

  19. 本文以传统单项BOT模式和邛崃新城开发建设的实践探索为基础,提出并建构了一种新颖的关于整座中小城市建设与经营管理的系统理论&C-BOT系统论。

    Based on the traditional single model of BOT and the construction practice of new Qionglai city , this paper proposes the theory of C-BOT system which is concerning the new theory of system for construction and operation of the small and medium cities .

  20. 换言之,如果Uber这类共乘租车服务取得了成功,很多中小城市将可能达到曼哈顿那样的理想交通状况——在这些地方,放弃私家车不光是一种特立独行的生活方式,也是人们青睐的生活方式。

    In other words , if Uber and its ride-sharing competitors succeed , it wouldn 't be a stretch to see many small and midsize cities become transportation nirvanas on the order of Manhattan - places where forgoing car ownership isn 't just an outr é lifestyle choice , but the preferred way to live .

  21. 河南省中小城市职业群体亚健康状况的调研

    The Research on Sub-Health Status of Occupational Groups in He'nan Unbig-City

  22. 中小城市规划管理信息系统研究

    Research on plan management information system for small and middle city

  23. 我国中小城市交通问题分析

    Analysis on Traffic Problems of Small and Medium Cities in China

  24. 亚洲及太平洋中小城市问题会议

    Conference on Medium and Small Cities for Asia and the Pacific

  25. 中小城市紧凑规划布局理念初探

    Study on the Compact Master Layout in Medium or Small-scale Cities

  26. 中小城市要较快地健康地发展

    Speedy and healthy development need to the small and middle cities

  27. 浅议中小城市规划管理体制及机构设置

    Planning management system and organizational establishment in medium and small cities

  28. 社区建设热中的中小城市社区建设

    Small and medium-sized cities community building of craze of community building

  29. 中小城市发展整合经营论

    The Development of Integrated Operation in Small and Medium Cities

  30. 中小城市老年人住宅建设之我见

    On the Residential Architecture for Elderly People in the Town