
  • 网络UCLAN;university of central lancashire;Central Lancashire
  1. 一项中央兰开夏大学的的研究认为一段时间的无聊过后将会马上增加创造力。

    A study from the University of Central Lancashire links a period of boredom with heightened creativity immediately afterwards .

  2. 语言自学中心与学习自主性&英国中央兰开夏大学语言学习中心个案研究

    Language Learning Center and Learner Autonomy & A Case Study of Language Learning Center in the University of Central Lancashire

  3. 英国中央兰开夏大学的科学家与网上奥卡多超市目前正在联合开发这种未来冰箱。

    These new developments are in the pipeline thanks to collaborations between scientists at the University of Central Lancashire and online supermarket Ocado .

  4. 中央兰开夏大学专家西蒙·萨默维尔博士指出菜谱从本质上说是一份食品的存库清单。

    Dr. Simon Somerville , an expert from the University of Central Lancashire , said : Cookbooks are essentially inventory lists of food items .

  5. 英国事件管理本科专业设置及其启示&以英国中央兰开夏大学旅游休闲管理系为例

    The UK 's Undergraduate Curriculum of Event Management and its Implications & An Example from Department of Tourism and Leisure Management of University of Central Lancashire

  6. 兰卡斯特大学、耶夫勒大学和中央兰开夏大学的心理学家表示,他们的发现表明音乐实际上阻碍了创造力。

    Psychologists from Lancaster University , The University of G ä vle , and The University of Central Lancashire say that their findings indicate music actually stymies creativity .

  7. 英国中央兰开夏大学的学生会与当地一个导盲犬慈善机构合作在近日组织了首个汪星人减压室活动,这也是他们组织的为学生减压活动的一部分。

    The University of Central Lancashire 's student union organized its first puppy room event on Thursday as part of its SOS ( Stressed Out Students ) campaign , partnering with a local guide dog charity .

  8. 中央兰开夏大学的心理学家们让参与者连续15分钟抄写电话本中的号码,而其他人直接进入标准的创造力测试。(曼恩&卡德曼,2013)

    Psychologists at the University of Central Lancashire had participants copy numbers out of the telephone book for 15 minutes , while others went straight into a standard creativity task ( Mann & Cadman , 2013 ) .

  9. 摆脱无聊无聊是办公室里的第二种最普遍的隐藏情绪(愤怒居于首位),英国中央兰开夏大学的高级心理学讲师桑蒂·曼恩如是说。

    Fend off boredom Boredom is the second most commonly hidden emotion in the office ( anger being the first ) . So says Sandi Mann a senior psychology lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire in England .

  10. 英国中央兰开夏大学的学生会与当地一个导盲犬慈善机构合作在近日组织了首个“汪星人减压室”活动,这也是他们组织的为学生减压活动的一部分。

    The University of Central Lancashire 's student union organized its first " puppy room " event on Thursday as part of its SOS ( Stressed Out Students ) campaign , partnering with a local guide dog charity .

  11. 受这个有趣现象的启发,该公司联手中央兰开夏大学的动物计算机交互设计专家伊莲娜·希斯基·道格拉斯,创造了首款狗狗专用遥控器。

    Inspired by this interesting finding , the company teamed up with Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas , an expert in animal computer interaction design at the University of Central Lancashire , to create the world 's first remote control for dogs .

  12. 不过,你真的确定了吗?中央兰开夏大学数学系的教学组长凯文·鲍曼博士告诉《每日邮报》,对这条谜语可以有多种解读,“所以其实它的答案是开放的。”

    Or is it ? Dr Kevin Bowman , course leader for Mathematics at the University of Central Lancashire , told Mail Online that due to the ambiguity of the riddle , " there are an infinite amount of possible answers . "

  13. 盖尔·布鲁尔是中央兰开夏大学心理系高级讲师,他表示:我们似乎都妥协了,认为我们无法实现梦想的原因有很多。

    Dr Gayle Brewer , senior lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire School of Psychology , said : ' There seems to be a certain air of resignation amongst us that living out our dreams may simply not be possible for a variety of reasons .

  14. 盖尔·布鲁尔是中央兰开夏大学心理系高级讲师,他表示:“我们似乎都妥协了,认为我们无法实现梦想的原因有很多。”

    Dr Gayle Brewer , senior lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire School of Psychology , said : ' There seems to be a certain air of resignation amongst us that living out our dreams may simply not be possible for a variety of reasons . "

  15. 《每日邮报》报道称,利兹和中央兰开夏郡的英国大学研究发现,牙齿相当于人类的孔雀尾巴。

    The study , from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire , found that teeth are " the human equivalent of a peacock 's tail , " according to The Daily Mail .