
  • 网络Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS
  1. 通过引入改善了地表反照率参数化方案的中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP)大气环流模式,我们对IAP短期气候距平预测系统(IAPPSSCA)中的大气模式部分进行了改进。

    By introducing the modified IAP AGCM with improved surface albedo parameterization , the IAP Prediction System of Short-term Climate Anomaly ( IAP PSSCA ) has been updated .

  2. 用中国科学院大气物理研究所高分辨率、自由表面热带海洋环流模式对厄尼诺/南方涛动(El/SouthernOscillation)循环中另一重要位相La事件进行了数值模拟研究。

    Free surface tropical Pacific ocean GCM with high resolution developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics is used to simulate the La Nina event , one of the important phase try the EI Nino / Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) cycle .

  3. OVALS是中国科学院大气物理研究所开发的海洋资料同化系统,采用三维变分方法同化各种温盐观测资料,为ENSO(ElNinoSouthernOscillation)预报系统提供初始场。

    OVALS is developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics , which provides initial fields to ENSO ( El Nino Southern Oscillation ) prediction system by using the 3D-Var method to assimilate various temperature and salt data .

  4. 适合于大规模并行处理机(MPP)的中国科学院大气物理研究所新一代九层大气环流模式(IAP9LAGCM)被发展成功。

    A new version of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics ( IAP ) 9-Layer ( 9L ) atmospheric general circula - tion model ( AGCM ) suitable for Massively Parallel Processor ( MPP ) has been developed .

  5. 结合中国科学院大气物理研究所325m气象塔的观测资料可以发现城市强热岛出现时,北京市的大气边界层逆温不仅强,而且逆温层顶较高。

    Combined with the data of the 325m tower , the results also show that when strong UHI occurs , the inversion in atmospheric boundary layer ( ABL ) is very obvious , and its top is very high .

  6. 在中尺度气象模式最新版本MM5V3.7的基础上,通过与一个起沙模式的耦合,建立了一个新的中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP/CAS)沙尘天气数值预测系统(IAPS2.0)。

    An improved IAP integrated dust-storm prediction system ( IAPS 2.0 ) has been developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics ( IAP ), Chinese Academy of Sciences , through the coupling of the latest version of meso-scale meteorological model ( MM5V3.7 ) with a physical based wind erosion model .

  7. 应用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的完全弹性三维冰雹云模式,使用河北省内三个探空站(张家口、北京、邢台)的探空资料,制作了河北省冰雹区域客观预报。

    With the 3-D hailstorm numerical model , regional hail forecast in Hebei Province is made .

  8. 中国科学院大气物理研究所短期气候预测系统的改进及其对1998年全国汛期旱涝形势的预测

    An Improved Short-Term Climate Prediction System and Its Application to the Extraseasonal Prediction of Rainfall Anomaly in China for 1998

  9. 1998年中国科学院大气物理研究所气候与环境预测研究中心汛期暴雨短期数值预测

    Short Range Heavy Rain Numerical Prediction in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences during Rainy Season of 1998

  10. 将辐射参数化子程序与中国科学院大气物理研究所降水有限区域模式结合,进行数值模拟,所得结果合理。辐射子程序能模拟并提供各高度及地面的辐射收支、温度、湿度日变化。

    The subroutine of radiative budget may supply the radiative temperature change of every layer and the daily variation of the ground temperature and evaporation .

  11. 本文基于部分通量订正同步耦合方案,把中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的九层大气环流格点模式与具有较高分辨率的热带太平洋环流模式耦合起来。

    A nien-layer grid atmospheric general circulation model is coupled to a higher resolution fourteen-layer Tropical Pacific general circulation model with the part flux correction synchronously coupling scheme .

  12. 对2004年夏季跨季度气候预测中存在的问题进行了初步讨论,以便改进和完善中国科学院大气物理研究所短期气候预测系统。

    The possible problems on the extra-seasonal climate prediction on the summer of 2004 are further discussed , which is to improve the seasonal prediction system by the institute .

  13. 文中利用中国科学院大气物理研究所设计的两层大气环流模式,模拟研究了北极海冰厚度和面积变化对大气环流的影响,尤其是对东亚区域气候变化的影响。

    By using IAP 2L-GCM , the influence of variation of sea ice thickness and extent in Arctic on atmospheric circulation , especially on East Asian climate variations is investigated .

  14. 在数值预测的基础上,结合其他的动力统计预测方法,最终得到中国科学院大气物理研究所2002年夏季旱涝趋势的跨季度集成预测结果。

    Finally , the integrated prediction product for the summer rainfall anomalies is obtained by incorporating the numerical prediction results and the results by other dynamical and statistical prediction methods .

  15. 简要介绍了2004年夏季的主要天气过程和中国科学院大气物理研究所2004年汛期预测的结果。

    The main weather systems and prediction results in rainy season 2004 in Institute Atmospheric Physics / Chinese Academy of Sciences ( IAP / CAS ) are introduced in this paper .

  16. 介绍了中国科学院大气物理研究所东亚中心在全球变化科学研究方面的一些进展。主要包括:(1)参与了国际和国内全球变化科学的开拓工作;

    Some advance by International START Regional Center for Temperate East Asia in global change science study is reported in this paper , which includes : ( 1 ) Participating initiating of internation-al and national global change science study ;

  17. 2005年夏季中国东部气候异常分析&中国科学院大气物理研究所短期气候预测检验

    The Analysis of Anomalous Climate of Eastern China in Summer of 2005 & The Verification of Seasonal Climate Predictions of Institute of Atmospheric Physics