
  • 网络Electric Power;china power
  1. 中国电力消费CO2排放强度分解分析

    Decomposition analysis of CO_2 emission intensity caused by electric power consumption in China

  2. 中国电力与GDP协调发展预测分析

    Forecast and Analysis of Coordinated Development between the Electric Power and GDP in China

  3. WTO与中国电力通信

    WTO and China electric telecommunication

  4. 中国电力企业ERP应用前景分析

    Analysis on ERP Application to Chinese Power Enterprises

  5. 应对加入WTO中国电力通信要创新机制加速改革与发展

    China electric power communication should recreate mechanism and speed up reform and development in line with entry into WTO

  6. 今年思嘉伯集团还与中国电力工程有限公司(ChinaNationalElectricEngineering)组建财团,共同承担西伯利亚Loznica天然气发电厂的2.3亿欧元升级扩建项目。

    This year Scarborough also formed a consortium with state-owned China National Electric Engineering for the EURO230m upgrade and extension of the Loznica gas-fired power station in Serbia .

  7. Java并发编程&设计原则与模式(第二版)(赵涌等译,中国电力出版社,2004年)

    Concurrent Programming in Java : Design Principles and Patterns , 2nd edition ( Doug Lea ; Addison-Wesley , 1999 )

  8. UPS电源简介中国电力与UPS

    Introduction to UPS power Power Supply and UPS

  9. 对东方电气、上海电气(shanghaielectric)和哈尔滨动力(harbinpower)等中国电力供应商的限制,将进一步加剧印度与其最大贸易国之间的紧张局势。

    Restrictions on Chinese power suppliers such as Dongfang , Shanghai Electric and Harbin power , will add to tensions between India and its largest trading partner .

  10. 清洁发展机制(CDM)给中国电力行业带来新机遇

    New Opportunity for Chinese Electric Power Enterprises Through Clean Development Mechanism

  11. DCS系统制造商也可以期望乘机利用印度和中国电力产能扩张带来的机会。

    DCS manufacturers can also look to cash in on the capacity expansion drives in the power industries in India and China .

  12. 提出了中国电力通信网发展应以IP网为基础向电力信息网转变,并向全社会提供信息服务的发展战略;

    A development strategy is proposed that China power system telecommunication network is to be changed to a power information network based on IP technology and to provide information services to the whole society .

  13. 利用协整分析与向量误差校正模型的研究结果,证明中国电力消费与GDP,固定资产投资,人口数量等经济因素间具有长期的均衡关系;

    By cointegration and vector error correction model method , long-term equilibrium relationships among power consumption and economic factors including GDP , the investment scale of fixed assets , population scale in China are analyzed .

  14. 为了研究中国电力消费与经济增长之间是否具有长期稳定均衡关系,用协整分析方法检验了中国国内生产总值(GDP)与电力消费水平之间关系。

    In order to investigate the existence of a stable long-run equilibrium relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption in China , the relationship between the gross domestic product ( GDP ) and electricity consumption in China was investigated using the method of co-integration analysis .

  15. 德意志银行(deutschebank)驻伦敦大宗商品分析师丹尼尔布莱伯纳(danielbrebner)估计,今年10月至12月,中国电力消费增速将放缓至6%左右,低于今年早些时候的20%。

    Daniel Brebner , commodities analyst at Deutsche Bank in London , estimated that China power consumption growth would slow to about 6 per cent in October-December , down from 20 per cent earlier this year .

  16. 结合未来中国电力市场的实际情况,对国外现有的确定电网输电价格的理论进行了研究,开发了电网输电价格计算软件,并对南方联营电网500kV系统的输电价格作了实例计算。

    This paper studied existing foreign theories about transmission pricing . Software to calculate transmission prices was developed in which the actualities of future Chinese power market were taken in account .

  17. 对中国电力科学研究院开发的PSASP程序与美国PTI公司开发的PSS/E程序的暂态稳定计算数学模型进行了分析比较。

    The mathematical models for transient stability calculation in PSASP and PSS / E respectively developed by China Electric Power Research Institute and PTI Inc. , in USA are compared and analyzed .

  18. 本文介绍了中国电力系统配电电压等级开关设备的现状,统计分析了配电开关设备1990~1999年的事故情况以及SF6、真空开关设备的故障特点,指出了高压开关设备无油化的若干趋势。

    A statistical analysis to the failures of the distribution switchgear during 1990 ~ 1999 is made . The features of the SF 6 and vacuum circuit breaker are analyzed . It then introduces some trends of the application of non oil high voltage switchgear .

  19. 采用中国电力科学研究院EMTP程序,分析了220kV两相不平衡运行的电气化铁路系统发生单相及两相接地时,故障相和非故障短路电流分布规律,并对其进行了量化比较。

    Quantative analysis and comparison were made using China Electric Power Research Institute EMTP program with faulty and non-faulty phase short-circuit current distributions while single or two phase earthing occurred in the electrified railway system during 220 kV two-phase unbalanced operation .

  20. WVS型固封式高压真空断路器各项技术参数完全符合GB1984、GB/T11022和中国电力行业标准DL/T403,同时还满足IEC62271-100、IEC56标准规范以及其他主要工业化国家相关标准的规定。

    WVS Solid-closure High-voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker 's technical parameters can totally comply with GB1984 , GB / T11022 and China Power Industry Standard DL / T403 , also meet the IEC62271-100 , IEC56 .

  21. Lanco表示,作为交换,Lanco承诺为两座发电站购买中国电力设备,而国开行将帮助Lanco从其他中资银行获得银团贷款,满足其总共20亿美元的融资目标。

    In exchange Lanco said it had made a commitment to buy Chinese power equipment for both projects , while CDB will help the group syndicate further loans from other Chinese banks to reach its $ 2bn target .

  22. 中国电力市场的电力期货应用研究

    Research on Application of Electric Future in Chinese Electric Power Market

  23. 中国电力需求预测与电力行业可持续发展

    Electricity Demand Forecasting and Sustainable Development of Electricity Industry in China

  24. 中国电力产业经济稳定性问题研究

    Research on the Stability Problems of China Electricity Power Industry Economy

  25. 中国电力产业价格管制模型

    Power Electricity Industry Solution Price Regulation Model of the Electricity Industry

  26. 中国电力行业有效竞争的量化评价研究

    The Research on Quantification Appraisal of Chinese Electric Power Effective Competition

  27. 中国电力产业的经济绩效分析

    Analysis of the Economic Performance of Chinese Electric Power Industry

  28. 中国电力国际发展有限公司投资价值分析

    An Analysis on the Investment Value of China Power International Development Limited

  29. 近期中国电力市场发展的探讨

    The discussion of development on current electricity market in China

  30. 世贸环境下的中国电力投融资研究

    Study of China 's Electric Power Investment and Financing after WTO Entry