
  1. 中国物资经济研究所

    China Materials Economic Research Institute

  2. 本文应用牛顿力学原理研究管理决策问题,建立了决策合力模型,并以中国物资储运总公司组织变革实践为例,研究了该模型的应用模式。

    This article applies the Newtonian mechanics principle research management decision-making question , it has established the decision-making model of assembled forces , and stores the organization take the Chinese commodity storage and transport main corporation to transform the practice , has studied this model application pattern .

  3. 一个重要的问题是,在中国国家物资储备局(StateReserveBureau)去年大量抛售铜库存后,中国是否会开始重新增加库存。

    One important issue is whether China will start to re-stock after heavy selling by the State Reserve Bureau last year .

  4. 据美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)今年夏季估计,中国国家物资储备局坐拥的棉花储备规模多达1000万吨,占全球棉花库存的60%,并且是该局以相对较高的价格收购的。

    China 's state reserves bureau is sitting on a stockpile estimated by the US Department of Agriculture this summer at 10m tonnes , or 60 per cent of world stocks , which it bought at relatively high prices .

  5. 上月,伦敦上市公司非洲矿业(AfricanMinerals)同意以1.68亿美元,向中国铁路物资总公司(CRM)出售其12.5%的股权,外加未来铁矿石产出的承购协议。

    Last month , London-listed African Minerals agreed to sell China Railway Materials Commercial Corporation a 12.5 per cent stake in the company for $ 168m , as well as an off-take agreement for its future iron ore output .

  6. 中国铁路物资集团管理模式研究

    Study on Management Mode of China Railway Supplies and Procurement Group

  7. 中国五矿物资进出口有限公司

    China Metals , Minerals and Materials Import and Export Co Ltd

  8. 环境变迁与交通物资企业的战略调整&兼论中国交通物资华南公司经营战略的确定

    Environment Changes and Strategic Adjustment of Communication Material Enterprise

  9. 对中国铁路物资总公司战略管理的研究

    The Studying of China Railway Materials & Supplies Commercial Corporation 's Strategy Management

  10. 中国救灾物资代储点优化布局研究

    Study on optimized distribution of storage spot of disaster relief materials in China

  11. 中国石化物资采购电子商务系统

    E-business System for Sinopec 's Goods and Materials Procurement

  12. 图片展示面带喜悦的阿富汗工人忙于搬运抵阿中国援助物资。

    The picture shows an Afghan worker is handling the arrived China-donated items with happiness .

  13. 中国石油物资装备(集团)总公司

    China Petroleum Material & Equipment Corporation

  14. 中国废旧物资网国内最大的一个网上信息平台。

    China abandons platform of the information on country of net of old goods and materials'biggest network .

  15. 去年也有传闻称,中国国家物资储备局一直在买进铜。

    In copper , China 's Strategic Reserve Bureau last year was also rumoured to have been buying .

  16. 本文主要介绍中国中铁物资计划管理系统的设计与实现过程。

    This article mainly introduces the design and implementation process of management system of China Railway Materials planning .

  17. 今年截至10月底,中国国家物资储备局已经收购了108万吨棉花。

    So far this year , it has bought 1.08m tonnes of cotton as of the end of October .

  18. 中国国家物资储备局以高于市价水平买入棉花的行为,已经在国内和国际棉花市场上引起了混乱。

    China 's state reserves bureau has sown disarray in domestic and international cotton markets by buying at above-market prices .

  19. 在汶川发生特大地震的时候,日本政府派了救援队,并且给中国以物资上的支援。

    When the massive earthquake hit Wenchuan in China , the Japanese government sent a rescue team to China and offered relief supplies .

  20. 这在市场中引发了猜测,即中国国家物资储备局最早可能在棉花收购计划完成后,于本月开始出售棉花库存。

    That led to speculation the bureau could start to unload inventory as early as this month , once its purchasing programme is done .

  21. 科学设计库存储备,减少储备资金占用。提出中国石化物资采购管理方式应借鉴国外物资供应管理的先进经验,重新认识物资采购管理的职能;

    Put forward that the departments of purchasing of SINOPEC should use foreign advanced experience , re - understand the function of material purchasing management ;

  22. 介绍了中国石化物资采购电子商务系统技术架构、系统功能和运行状况,提出了进一步发展物资采购电子商务应注意的几点意见。

    The paper introduces technical configure , system functions and running situation , and puts forward several suggestions on further developing goods and materials procurement Ebusiness .

  23. 上周创下历史新高的铜价周三回落,之前中国国家物资储备局未能在本周的拍卖会上出售全部的铜。

    Copper prices , which reached record highs last week , fell back on Wednesday after China 's State Reserve Bureau failed to sell all of the metal it put up for auction this week .

  24. 为实现以战养战的目标,该研究所开展了很多与掠夺中国农业物资相关的科学研究,并在一定程度上起到了奴化中国人的作用。

    On purpose of " the war by war ", the Institute carried out much research related to plundering agricultural resources from China , and to some extent , it played a role in enslaving the Chinese people .

  25. 金属交易员估计,中国国家物资储备局在2009年初以每吨不到3500美元的价格,买入25万至30万吨铜,相当于全球年产量近2%。

    Metals traders estimate that the SRB bought between 250,000 and 300,000 tonnes of copper , equal to nearly 2 per cent of global annual production , in early 2009 at a price of less than $ 3,500 a tonne .

  26. 报告称,中国国家物资储备局重新补充库存,对大宗商品进口升至历史高位起到了重要作用。国有银行扩大放贷,推动一些企业购买大宗商品进行投机,也起到了很大作用。

    Restocking by China 's state commodity reserve bureau played a large part in the record import volumes , as did easy credit from state banks , which encouraged some firms to buy commodities speculatively , according to the report .

  27. 中国欢迎外国物资和现金援助。

    China welcomed foreign aid in the form of material and cash .

  28. 中国核工业物资供销公司

    China Materials Supply & Sales Company of Nuclear Industry

  29. 有些分析家认为人民币的迅速增值将会降低中国主要进口物资例如石油的价格而降低通货膨胀压力。

    Some analysts said the fast appreciation of the yuan would make China 's imports of major commodities such as oil cheaper , thus reducing the inflationary pressure .

  30. 而当滇缅公路终于重新开通,可以为中国运输大量物资的时候,其他战场的形势发展使得盟军的兵锋已经直指日本本土。

    By the time the Burma Road reopened and supplies flowed freely across the border into China , operations in other theaters had shaped the course of the war against Japan .