
  • 网络chinese mother
  1. 一位中国母亲买下了澳大利亚一家报纸的头版整版,这位妈妈呼唤儿子回家过年,称自己不再逼儿子结婚了。

    A Chinese mother , desperate for her son to come home for the upcoming Lunar New Year , has placed a full page ad in a newspaper in Australia , saying she won 't pressure him to get married anymore .

  2. 如果我是一名中国母亲,我会问:“儿子,你付给她的酬金是不是也要分我一半?因为我也要在你父亲、叔叔以及表兄妹面前假装她是你的正牌女友。”

    If I were a Chinese mother , I might say , " Dear , I 'd like a 50-50 share of the fee you paid your fake girlfriend , because I 'm the one who also has to pretend she 's real in front of your father , uncles and cousins . "

  3. 相反,我也认识一些出生在美国的华裔母亲,但我却不能定义他们为“中国母亲”。

    Conversely , I know some mothers of Chinese heritage , almost always born in the West , who are not Chinese mothers , by choice or otherwise .

  4. 中国母亲的确身体力行,竭尽全力地长时间地参与辅导,练习,以及询问并监视他们的孩子。

    And it 's true that Chinese mothers get in the trenches , putting in long grueling hours personally tutoring , training , interrogating and spying on their kids .

  5. 小浪底水利枢纽工程不仅时刻保障着中国母亲河的岁岁安澜,也为沿线农业地区发挥着不可取代的关键性作用。除此之外,小浪底电站总装机183.6万千瓦,年平均发电量51亿千瓦时。

    Xiaolangdi Hydro Project has been subjected to devastating Yellow River floods and has played an irreplaceable role in the agricultural area alongside.In addition , the l , 836mw Xiaolangdi Project is generating 5 .

  6. 如果你儿子带女朋友回家,女孩长相漂亮且年龄相仿,并且能完美地回答可以预料到的所有问题,换做我是这位中国母亲的话,我就会说:“亲爱的,欢迎回家。这位女孩是正牌还是冒牌?”

    If I were a Chinese mom I might say , " Welcome home , dear . Is this your real girlfriend or your fake girlfriend " when your son arrives home with a good-looking girlfriend of just the right age who has the perfect answers for all the anticipated questions .

  7. 试论中国古代母亲概念的异化&以服母丧的变化为视角

    The Alienation of the Traditional Concept " Mother " in Ancient China

  8. 你们在中国庆祝母亲节吗?

    Do you keep Mother 's Day in China ?

  9. 中国的母亲们都想方设法为自己的孩子们准备好所事情,你认为这明智吗?

    Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children ?

  10. 今天中国的母亲告诉他们的小孩&把你的面条都吸溜干净,美国还有一堆人吃不上饭呢。

    Today China mothers tell there kids – Slurp all your noodles , there are starving people in America .

  11. 首先,黄色是一种意味深长的颜色,黄河是中国的母亲河,是中国文化的发源地.

    First , yellow is a meaningful color.The yellow River is China 's Mother River and the cradle of Chinese civilization .

  12. 哪一条河流是中国的“母亲河”?

    Which river is the " mother river " of China ?

  13. 我的父亲是1932年来到中国的,母亲是在1938年来的。

    My father came here in 1932 . My mother came here in 1938 .

  14. 中国人关于母亲的联想不同于美国人&来自范围假设的证据

    Chinese Associations about Mother Differ from those of American : Evidence from the Scope Hypothesis

  15. 黄河是中国人民的母亲河,是孕育中华文明的摇篮。

    Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese people , as well as the cradle of Chinese civilization .

  16. 1926年出生在日本和歌山县海南市,父亲是中国人,母亲是日本人。

    Born in1926 in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan , Hainan City , the father is Chinese , his mother is Japanese .

  17. 他出生于新西兰,父亲是中国人,母亲是埃及人。他在英国受教育,有段时间以旧金山为家。

    He was born in New Zealand to a Chinese father and an Egyptian mother , educated in England and for a time called San Francisco home .

  18. 亚历山大是半个中国人,她母亲是中国人,现在仍住在中国。

    Alexander is half-Chinese and the whole of her mother 's side still lives there .

  19. 韩素音1917年出生于北京。她父亲是中国铁路工程师,母亲是位荷兰女子。

    Han Suyin was born in Beijing in1917.her father was a Chinese railway engineer and her mother a Dutch lady .

  20. 中国文化传统通过母亲得以延伸,历史和记忆通过母亲得以重建。

    Through the role of the mother , history and memory are rebuilt , and Chinese culture and tradition are extended .

  21. 20世纪下半叶中国战争小说的母亲形象,经历了革命母亲、本色母亲和妻性失衡式母亲的嬗变过程;

    Mothers ' image of Chinese war novels in the second half of the 20th century has gone through the revolutionary mother , true quality mother and wife getting out-of-balance transformation of mother .

  22. 该实验从范围假设的角度证实了中国人记忆中母亲的角色类似于自我的角色,并暗示中国人的自我图式可能包含母亲。

    From the angle of scope hypothesis , this study verifies that to Chinese , the role of mother is similar to the role of self on the memory level , which suggests that Chinese self-schema may include mother .

  23. 韩素音于1917年出生在中国的河南省,父亲是中国人,母亲是比利时人。日军侵华期间,她曾做过护士,后来在北京、布鲁塞尔和伦敦学医。她曾在伦敦以医生为业。

    Born in Henan province to a Chinese father and a Belgian mother in 1917 , she worked as a nurse during the Japanese occupation of China and studied medicine in Bejiing , Brussels and London , where she qualified as a physician .

  24. 现在,大约60%抚养孩子的中国妇女都超过了35岁,这意味着中国的母亲老龄化现象在接下来的几年里将成为现实,王培安在周五报道的新闻中这么说。

    At present , about 60 percent of China 's child-bearing women are over 35 years old , which means an increase of ' elderly ' mothers will be witnessed in China in the next few years , Wang said in a news release on Friday .