
  • 网络China Index Academy
  1. 据咨询公司中国指数研究院(ChinaIndexAcademy)统计,从去年12月到今年6月,全国15个大城市未售出的房屋存量从17个月降至8个月。

    According to China Index Academy , a consultancy , unsold inventory across the 15 largest cities fell from 17 months of stock to eight , between December and June .

  2. 根据顶级房地产研究机构中国指数研究院(ChinaIndexAcademy)周六发布的数据,今年2月中国100个主要城市的住房平均交易价格同比下跌了3.84%。

    The average transaction price of housing fell 3.84 per cent in 100 major Chinese cities in February from a year earlier , according to data released on Saturday by the China Index Academy , a top property research institute .

  3. 中国指数研究院(ChinaIndexAcademy)对100个城市的调查所得出的数据显示,6月份中国平均房价环比上涨0.56%,高于5月份0.45%的环比涨幅,是2014年1月以来的最高环比涨幅。

    Average home prices rose 0.56 per cent in June from a month earlier , data from the China Index Academy 's survey of 100 cities show , up from a 0.45 per cent gain in May and the fastest growth since January 2014 .

  4. 中国指数研究院(CIA)的高级分析师,雷华说,不良的抵押贷款比率不高,百分之30-40的价格下降不会增加比例。

    Lei Hua , a senior analyst with the China Index Academy ( CIA ), said the non-performing mortgage loan ratio is not high and a30-40 percent price drop won 't increase the ratio .

  5. 中国指数研究院副院长黄瑜向官方媒体表示,全国的土地市场正进入深度冰冻期。

    Huang Yu , vice-president of the China Index Academy , told state media that the national land market was entering a deep freeze .

  6. 他引用中国指数研究院的调查说,首次买房人四分之三年龄低于35岁。

    He pointed to surveys by the China Index Research Institute , which show that three-quarters of first-time home buyers are below the age of 35 .

  7. 深圳和北京看到上年同期分别上升了百分之71.17和百分之67.81,根据中国指数研究院的房地产研究机构提交的数据。

    Shenzhen and Beijing saw a rise of71.17 percent and67.81 percent year-on-year respectively , according to the data filed with the China Index Academy , a real estate research institute .

  8. 根据中国指数研究院的统计,在政府宽松政策的刺激下,中国国庆黄金周期间国内住房销售,就楼层面积来看激增了64.8%。

    China 's " golden week " saw domestic housing sales surge by 64.8 percent in floor space term , spurred by the government 's easing policies , according to the China Index Academy .

  9. 根据中国房地产研究机构中国指数研究院(ChinaIndexAcademy)的最新报告,截至今年10月,北京市的平均房价已达到每平米16057元,比1月份时10403元的平均价涨了54%。

    According to the latest report from China Index Academy , a domestic real estate research institute , as of October this year , the average house price in Beijing has reached 16057 yuan per square meter , a 54 % increase from the average price of 10403 yuan in January .