
zhōnɡ ɡuó xiāo fèi zhě xié huì
  • China Consumers' Association
  1. 根据中国消费者协会的数据显示,在2015年网上购物的人群中,26.2%的消费者已经遇到了购物冲突这一情况。

    According to the China Consumers Association , 26.2 % of the consumers who did online shopping have met with shopping conflicts in the year of 2015 .

  2. 中国消费者协会周二宣布,已与京东、淘宝、唯品会等17家电商平台制定出一种合作维权机制,以便更快更好地解决消费者网购方面的投诉。

    The China Consumers Association announced on Tuesday that it has worked out a cooperative mechanism with 17 e-commerce platforms , including , and , to deal with online shopping complaints of consumers quicker and better .

  3. 在中国消费者协会工作的邱宝昌律师说。

    Qiu Baochang is a lawyer working with the China customer Association .

  4. 作为典型社会团体的中国消费者协会,曾经被广大消费者寄予厚望。

    As a typical social organization , consumers have set their hope on Chinese Consumer Association deeply .

  5. 这个数字是根据中国消费者协会的调查得出的。

    And the number of complaints has increased in recent years , according to the China Consumers'Association .

  6. 尽管如此,这个问题已经引起了中国消费者协会和上海消费者委员会的注意。

    Nevertheless , the problem has drawn the attention of the China Consumers ' Association and the Shanghai Consumers Council .

  7. 在中国消费者协会公布的1997年投诉情况统计中,医疗纠纷成为投诉热点。

    In the statistical material of the received lawsuits issued by Chinese Association of Consumers in 1997 , the medically therapeutical disputes became the hot spot .

  8. 中国消费者协会对有关警示进行了汇总,在此向社会发布,提请广大消费者严防商家欺诈。

    Chinese consumer society had pool to concerning caution , release to the society here , submit to broad consumer takes strict precautions against a businessman con .

  9. 中国消费者协会律师团团长邱宝昌说:“自修订后的法律生效以来,我们常常超负荷工作。”

    Qiu Baochang , head of the lawyers ' group for the China Consumers ' Association , said : " We are always overloaded with work since the revised law came into effect .

  10. 根据中国消费者协会发布的另一份留学消费报告显示,在像波士顿、纽约、芝加哥这样的留学热门城市,每年需要支付20万元的学费。

    A separate report by the China Consumers ' Association on study abroad consumption suggests that in hot study abroad destinations like Boston , New York and Chicago , 200,000 yuan is needed annually for the tuition fee .

  11. 2014年3月,中国消费者协会展开的一项调查表明,在37个中国主要品牌的测试面罩中,只有2个品牌可以有效过滤空气中的污染物,使得呼吸顺畅。

    Of the 37 tested masks from major brands in China , only nine were adequate in filtering air borne pollutants and enabling smooth breathing , said a survey conducted by the China Consumers Association in March 2014 .

  12. 2010年,中国东北一名男子用未经授权的充电器进行充电的手机打电话时被电击,根据中国消费者协会。

    In 2010 , a man in northeast China was killed by an electric shock when making a phone call with a handset that was being recharged with an unauthorized charger , according to the China Consumers Association .

  13. 前不久,中国就苹果公司对中国消费者实行歧视性售后服务进行了披露,而苹果美国公司并未因此对其售后服务政策进行大的修改。此后,中国消费者协会要求电子产品巨头-苹果公司向中国消费者诚恳致歉,

    The China Consumer Association has asked tech-giant Apple to sincerely apologize to Chinese consumers , after the US firm took little action to address criticism of its after-sales policy .