
  • 网络China Geological Survey;CGS
  1. 中国地质调查局安全生产管理平台方案探讨

    Brief introduction on safety management software design of China geological survey bureau

  2. 本论文依托中国地质调查局下达的北京浅层地温能资源评价示范工作项目。

    The paper relies on the Beijing shallow geothermal energy resources evaluation and demonstration project issued by China Geological Survey .

  3. 创建中国地质调查局技术标准体系的几点建议

    Suggestions for a Technical Standard System in China 's Geological Survey

  4. 以中国地质调查局资助的《淮河流域环境地质调查》项目为依托,对收集到的区域基础地质和水文地质资料进行了二次开发。

    With the help of environment geology investigation project in Huaihe River basin , we have studied the data on regional geology and hydrogeology .

  5. 本论文选题来源于中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目火山岩盖层下找矿技术攻关研究子课题:地球化学矿致异常定量评价方法研究。

    This article is from the Geological Survey projects of China Geological Survey , sub-topics of ' the exploration technology research Under the volcanic cover ': quantitative evaluation method of Geochemical ore-forming anomaly .

  6. 本文介绍航空伽玛能谱数据库的数据库结构设计及应用程序开发,本项研究源自中国地质调查局下达的科研项目航空物探、遥感数据库。

    This thesis introduces the design of application database structure and development of client application , which is rising from the scientific project of aerial geophysical survey and remote sensing database of China Geological Survey .

  7. 概略介绍中国地质调查局立题的地质调查技术方法研究项目探矿工程新技术、新方法推广应用的主要研究成果。

    The achievements from research item " Popularization of New Technique and New Method of Exploration Engineering ", which is a part of geological survey technical method research project and sponsored by China Geological Survey , are introduced .

  8. 浙江省国土资源厅与中国地质调查局合作开展浙江省农业地质工作,为拓宽地质工作新领域、在全国推广农业地质工作积累经验。

    In order to expand the field of geological work and gain more experience in agro-geology in China , the Territorial Resources Department of Zhejiang and China Bureau of Geological Survey cooperated to develop the Zhejiang Agro-geology project .

  9. 利用中国地质调查局发展研究中心研制的重磁处理软件对经过预处理的数据进行处理转换,获得多参数多参量的信息,对每一处理环节不同参数进行试算,评定计算结果。

    By using gravity and magnetic processing software developed on the Chinese Development Research Center of Geological Survey , we process and convert the pretreated data , obtain the Multi-parameters information and deal with different aspects of each parameter , to assess results .

  10. 研究成果已被中国地质调查局重点项目&滦河三角洲地下水污染调查评价项目采用,对该地区污染质的迁移转化研究以及开展地下水污染防治具有重要的指导意义。

    Some achievements have been adopted by one of the key projects of China Geological Survey Bureau - Investigation and Assessment of Groundwater Pollution in Luanhe Delta . The results provided reference for the migration and transformation of pollutants and prevention and control of groundwater pollution in the area .