
shuǐ jǐng
  • well;water well
水井 [shuǐ jǐng]
  • (1) [water well]

  • (2) 向下开凿到饱和层并从饱和层中抽水的井

  • (3) 乡村中汲取饮用水的地方

水井[shuǐ jǐng]
  1. 我显出厌烦的样子:在茫茫的大沙漠上盲目地去找水井,真荒唐。

    I made a gesture of weariness . It is absurd to look for a well , at random , in the immensity of the desert .

  2. 生活在一口浅水井中的青蛙,非常愉快地向东海之中的大鳖描述自己的幸福和快乐,并请东海鳖到自己家中做客。

    A frog living in a shallow well told merrily its own happiness and well being of life to a big turtle that lives in the East Sea and warmly invited the turtle to come to its home .

  3. 这个地区多数村庄的水井都已干涸。

    The wells in most villages in the region have run dry .

  4. 曾为水井供水的蓄水层正式宣告干涸了。

    The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry

  5. 水井的数量能较准确地反映水需求量的大小。

    The number of wells is a fair indicator of the demand for water .

  6. 环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。

    Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells .

  7. 泉眼和水井都进行装饰,这个习俗在欧洲一直延续到基督教时代。

    Springs and wells were decorated , a custom which was carried over into Christian times in Europe .

  8. Air(初三适用)水井气举钻探新技术推广应用市场综述

    Market Summary on the Expanding Application of New Air - lift Technology in Water Well Drilling

  9. PLC控制取水井电动机的无线遥控系统

    The Remote-controlling System Controlled by the PLC for the Well 's Motor

  10. 油水井控制中GM(2,1)优化模型参数和病态性的影响研究

    Research on Parameter and Ill-conditioned Problem of GM ( 2,1 ) Optimal in Oil Water Well Control

  11. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  12. 该聚合物的pH值在4~9范围内对膨润土模拟污水有很好的絮凝能力,并能满足目前油田中碳酸盐岩中高温油水井酸化缓速的要求。

    It has good flocculating capability for the bentonite simulated sewage with pH value from 4 to 9 , and can delay the reaction velocity of acid with rock effectively .

  13. 2000m水井钻机的钻杆仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Drill Pipe of 2000 Meter Water Well Rig

  14. Martha当时6岁,为了够玩具而坠入自家后院的水井。

    Martha – six years old at the time – had fallen into the well in the backyard of their house while trying to retrieve a toy .

  15. Lan-826用于油水井酸化缓蚀剂的室内研究

    The indoor experiment of the Lan-826 corrosion inhibitor used on oil well acidification

  16. 经研究发现,区域油层顶部Ⅰ砂组与上覆地层S3间存在不整合面,并进行论证,对水井采取停注、降水的措施,有效缓减的套变速度。

    An unconformity between the top of sand I and overburden layer S3 is found by means of stopping water flooding to inject-water well , decreasing water and low velocity of casing change .

  17. 盐城地区东汉至明代古水井变化与海面波动NSH

    Relationship between the ancient wells and sea level fluctuation from East Han to Ming Dynasty in Yancheng Area

  18. 在本研究中,我们首先结合传统的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、克隆文库技术与新兴的焦磷酸测序技术比较了长期注水的孤岛油田注水井和采油井中的微生物组成。

    Using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ), 16S rRNA gene clone library and pyrosequencing , we compared the microbial communities of injection well with that of production well .

  19. 用SPJ-300改进型钻机施工超千米水井

    Drilling Deeper than 1000 meters Water Well with Modified SPJ-300 Drilling Rig

  20. YLD-1油水井堵漏剂界面胶结强度增强机理研究

    Study on the enhancement mechanism of the interface cementing strength of YLD-1 oil / water well plugging agent

  21. 应用优化设计技术和PI决策专家系统,通过室内研究,开发出系列高强度微裂缝和大孔道堵剂,并形成油水井配套封堵工艺技术。

    By adopting the optimized design technique and PI strategy system , and through lab study , a series of high strength , micro fracture and big pore plugging agents are developed , and the associated plugging techniques for oil and water wells are formed .

  22. 克隆文库和TGGE的研究结果一致,均表明注水井样品的微生物多样性比采油井丰富很多。

    The results of TGGE and clone library profiling analysis both indicated that microbial community of the WW had higher diversity than the OW .

  23. 介绍了利用OMRON五水位控制器、SIEMENS可编程序控制器、软启动器组成的多水泵控制系统,实现了深水井抽水自动化,提高了系统可靠性,确保设备安全运行。

    This article introduces a pumping system including an OMRON 5 level controller , a SIEMENS PLC and SIEMENS soft starters . This system serves for deep well pumping automatically with high reliability and guarantees the equipments security .

  24. 此外,利用Visualc++6.0语言编制了注水井配注软件(IWAS),从而提高了配注工作效率,提高注水开发油田的开发水平和管理水平。

    In addition , language established the water-injection well software ( IWAS ) using Visual C + + 6.0 , thus enhanced has matched the note working efficiency , Enhances the water-injection development oil field the development level and the management level .

  25. 针对JS油田套管状况逐渐变差,套损井数量呈上升趋势的现状,综合分析了JS油田油水井套损机理;

    The article systemically analysed the mechanism of casing failure of oil / water well in Jiangsu oilfield considering that the casing condition of Jiangsu oilfield is becoming bad and the number of casing damaged well is adding gradually .

  26. 通过多聚酶链式反应温度梯度凝胶电泳(PCRTGGE)和构建16SRRNA基因克隆文库两种方法对比研究了大港油田孔二北断块注水井和采油井的微生物群落结构。

    Both PCR-TGGE ( temperature gradient gel electrophoresis , TGGE ) and 16S rRNA gene clone library construction were used to comparatively analyze the microbial communities of a water injection well ( WW ) and an oil well ( OW ) in Dagang oilfield .

  27. AEO-4A裂缝监测技术可对水力压裂施工井或高压注水井实施同步裂缝监测。

    Synchronous monitor crack of hydraulic fracturing well or high pressure water injection well is practiced by crack monitor instrument , AEO-4A .

  28. 该技术应用DL-1差压式定量堵塞器实现了注水井的井下定量注水,使调配过程一次成功,大大减轻了投捞测试工作量。

    The DL-1 differential pressure quantitative water regulator was used to implement downhole quantitative injection . The injection water adjustment job were successfully only one time and pulling - running and testing work load were reduced .

  29. 推广注水井化学调剖新工艺,启动低产层170m/81层,调剖对应井平均增油2.04t/d;

    Extending new chemical profile control technology of water injector started up 81 layers ( 170m ), and increased oil production of corresponding well by 2.04t/d average low-productivity .

  30. 鉴于目前中原油田油水井严重的出砂状况,进行了SSG-06固砂剂的室内研究及其现场施工应用。

    The paper carries on the laboratory research and field construction & appilcation of the sand consolidation agent SSG-06 for the serious condition of sand production from oil wells and water wells in present . The production and field construction technology is simple and the cost is reduced .