
  • 网络China Trust;CTCB
  1. 中国信托产品分布与格局也在悄然发生着变化。

    Product distribution and pattern of China Trust Industry are quietly changing .

  2. 中国信托业的困境与战略选择

    Dilemma and Strategic Choice of China Trust Industry

  3. 大型金融集团中国信托金融(chinatrustfinancial)早些时候宣布,计划通过私募或公开发行方式发行新股。

    Chinatrust Financial , a big financial group , earlier announced plans to issue new shares through private placement or public issuance .

  4. 根据中国信托业协会(ChinaTrusteeAssociation)的数据,信托资产其中包括贷款、公开交易的证券和私募股权式投资总体增速在第三季度降到了两年多来的最差水平。

    Overall trust assets , which include loans , publicly traded securities and private equity-style investments , rose at their slowest pace in more than two years in the third quarter , figures from the China Trustee Association show .

  5. 中国信托商业银行最终将把首席执行官和董事长的角色分开,以提高企业治理水平。2008年,该行引入摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),后者成为其第二大股东。

    The bank , which in 2008 brought in Morgan Stanley as its second-biggest shareholder , will also improve corporate governance by eventually separating the roles of the chief executive and the chairman .

  6. 麦格理(Macquarie)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)出售了它们的中国信托业务,令人对剩余的中外合资信托企业能否维持下去产生疑问。

    Macquarie and Morgan Stanley have sold out of their Chinese trust businesses , raising questions about the viability of the remaining joint-venture partnerships between foreign and domestic institutions in China .

  7. 贾森贝德福德(JasonBedford)曾是四大会计师事务所的一名审计师,并在过去六年中专注研究中国信托行业。他表示,自己从未见过有哪一只信托产品完全依赖第三方担保。

    Jason Bedford , a former big four auditor who has focused on the Chinese trust sector for the past six years , said he had never seen a product that relied exclusively on third-party guarantees .

  8. 中国信托业:契机与发展空间

    The Trust Industry in China : the Opportunity and Development Space

  9. 中国信托业发展方向浅析

    The Analysis on the Direction of the Industry of Trust in China

  10. 但中国信托与富邦金控此前都曾表示对南山有兴趣。

    But Chinatrust and Fubon have previously expressed interest in Nan Shan .

  11. 外界对中国信托公司的第一大误解,是对它们实际从事什么业务的误解。

    The first misunderstanding about Chinese trusts is what they actually are .

  12. 另外还有两家银行被拍卖给了荷兰银行和中国信托。

    Two others have been auctioned off to ABN AMRO and Chinatrust .

  13. 中国信托财产所有权归属分析与建构

    Analysis and Reconstruction on the Internal Structure of Trust Ownership in China

  14. 清理整顿后中国信托业务的发展思路

    Thought on the Development of Chinese Trust Business after Clean-up and Rectification

  15. 中国信托业:柳暗花明又一村

    China 's Trust Industry : Meeting More Favorable Circumstances New Year Again

  16. 中国信托业风险研究

    Research on the Risks of Trust Business in China

  17. 中国信托业蕴涵的金融风险已经集中表现为支付风险。

    The outstanding financial risk for Chinese trust industry lies in payment risk .

  18. 中国信托机构风险管理研究

    Risk Management Research on the Trust Institutions in China

  19. 中国信托业穷途末路了吗?

    Is china 's trust industry in dead end ?

  20. 中国信托业制度变迁与业务发展研究

    A Study on the Institution Change and Business Innovation of China 's Trust Industry

  21. 中国信托业功能演进分析

    The Analysis on China 's Trust Function Evolution

  22. 但中国信托业本身发展不成熟,房地产信托风险机制不健全,房地产信托发展的法律障碍较大。

    However , Chinese estate trust is still immature and the risk system is incomplete .

  23. 论中国信托业的规范发展

    The Normative Development of China Trust Industry

  24. 旧中国信托业初探

    Trust in the Old China

  25. 中国信托市场剖析

    Analyse China 's Trust Market

  26. 中国信托已在9个海外市场开展业务,海外资产占其总资产的22%。

    Chinatrust already operates in nine foreign markets and has 22 per cent of its assets overseas .

  27. 目前中国信托业的发展存在着种种问题和障碍。

    At present , the development of Chinese trust industry is facing all sorts of problems and barriers .

  28. 第五章中国信托业功能演进的原动力&竞争与创新。

    Chapter Five is focused on the competitions and creations of the function evolution of China 's Trust .

  29. 中国信托业发展及其对区域经济促进作用研究

    Research on the Development of the Trust Industry of China and Its Promotion Roles for the Regional Economy

  30. 但其中存在着一定的缺陷,中国信托业发展中所出现的诸多问题与受托人忠实义务规范的不健全是相关联的。

    But there are certain flaws , which relates to the problems of the trust industry in China .