
  • 网络Dongfang City;Ciudad del este
  1. 东方市2~13岁儿童乙肝表面抗原检测结果分析

    Results of detection of HBsAg in children aged 2 ~ 13 years in Dongfang City

  2. 实施绿色工程倡导绿色文明&东方市绿色革命实践的深刻变革

    Implementing Green Project Advocating Green Civilization & Profound Transformation of Green Revolution Practice in Dongfang City

  3. 我的家乡在海南东方市,是一个化工城市,我的家乡发生了很大变化。

    My hometown in Hainan Wuzhishan City , is a chemical city , my hometown has changed greatly .

  4. 同时,还将巴拉圭的东方市作为研究点,详细分析其对于我国和南美国家之间进行商业往来的重要性。

    At the same time , the author will choose Dongfang City of Paraguay as a research target and have a detailed analysis of its importance to business dealings between China and South American countries .

  5. “海上丝绸之路”形成于西汉,完善于东晋南朝,在隋唐宋时广州发展成为“海上丝绸之路”第一大港和世界东方港市。

    The Marine Silk Route beginning from Guangzhou came into being in West Han Dynasty and became perfect in East Jin and Southern Dynasties .

  6. 由东方商市回来的商船,满载丝绸、香料和其他舶来商品,会停靠在这儿,卸下珍贵的货物并出售。

    Merchant ships returning from the markets of the east , laden with silks , spices and other exotic commodities , would dock here to unload and dispose of their precious 11 ) cargoes .