
  • 网络World Sleep Day;World Sleeping Day;International Sleep Day
  1. 有人按掉了闹钟——因为今天是世界睡眠日。

    Someone hit the snooze button - because it is World Sleep Day today .

  2. 周四是世界睡眠日。

    Thursday marks the World Sleep Day .

  3. 所有人都喜欢过世界睡眠日。

    Everybody loves World Sleep Day .

  4. 世界睡眠医学协会发言人威廉·德门特博士称希望世界睡眠日能够取得成功,未来越办越好。我们每个人都需要了解睡眠,以及睡眠对健康的重要性。”

    Dr. William C. Dement , a WASM spokesperson , said World Sleep Day will " hopefully will be an event that is successful and will continue in the foreseeable future . Everyone needs to understand how important sleep is , and how sleep is so important for a healthy life . "