
zhuān lì shēn qǐnɡ rén
  • patent applicant;applicant for a patent
  1. 第二十九条专利申请人的条件

    Article 29 Conditions on Patent Applicants

  2. 专利申请人:我国唯一企业初探,国外知名企业并进;

    Third , patent applicant : It is beginning for our enterprises compared with many well-known enterprises abroad .

  3. 同时,专利申请人也需要提供证明,证明他们与这些基因资源和本土知识原产国按照该原产过的制度进行了公平合理的利益分配。

    Applicants would also need to give evidence of the fair and equitable sharing of benefits under the national regime of their country of origin .

  4. 发明专利申请人应当一并缴纳各个年度的申请维持费,授予专利权的当年不包括在内。

    The applicant for a patent for invention shall pay the application maintenance fee for all the years , with the exception of the year in which the patent right is granted .

  5. 专利申请人对专利复审委员会的复审决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三个月内向人民法院起诉。

    Where the applicant for patent is not satisfied with the decision of the Patent Reexamination board , it or he may , within three months from the date of receipt of the notification , institute legal proceedings in the people 's court .

  6. 专利申请人对国务院专利行政部门驳回申请的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三个月内,向专利复审委员会请求复审。

    Where an applicant for patent is not satisfied with the decision of the said department rejecting the application , the applicant may , within three months from the date of receipt of the notification , request the Patent Reexamination Board to make a reexamination .

  7. 拟提出之申请专利范围申请人提出专利国际申请的,应当遵守前款规定。

    The applicant filing an international application for patent shall comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

  8. 权利要求书,是专利权申请人在向专利局申请专利权时所提交的重要文件之一。

    The patent claim is one of the important documents patent applicant hands on to the administrative department of patent .

  9. 第三十六条发明专利的申请人请求实质审查的时候,应当提交在申请日前与其发明有关的参考资料。

    Article 36 . When the applicant for a patent for invention requests examination as to substance , he or lit shall furnish pre-filing date reference materials concerning the invention .

  10. 第三十八条发明专利申请经申请人陈述意见或者进行修改后,国务院专利行政部门仍然认为不符合本法规定的,应当予以驳回。

    Article 38 . Where , after the applicant has made the observations or amendments , the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council finds that the application for a patent for invention is still not in conformity with the provisions of this Law , the application shall be rejected .

  11. 专利代理人是联系申请人与专利行政部门之间的一座桥梁。

    Patent agent is a bridge which contacts applicant and patent administrate office .

  12. 中方确认,中方的《专利审查指南》允许专利申请人在提交专利申请后提交额外的数据,《专利审查指南》适用《中华人民共和国立法法》第八十四条,确保药品发明获得专利保护。

    China affirms that the Chinese Patent Examination Guidelines permit patent applicants to file additional data after filing their patent applications , and that the Guidelines are subject to Article 84 of the Law on Legislation , to ensure that pharmaceutical inventions receive patent protection .

  13. 在专利法中发明专利的创造性是申请人获得专利权的最大障碍和最后一道门槛,也是最能够体现专利价值且最有争议的部分。

    The nonobviousness , embodied in patent law , is the most important obstacle that patent applicants face and the last threshold to patentability , which reflects the patent value and also is the most controversial issue between examiners and patent applicants .

  14. 专利复审委员会复审后,作出决定,并通知专利申请人。

    The Patent Reexamination Board shall , after reexamination , make a decision and notify the applicant for patent .

  15. 专利复审委员会复审后,作出决定,并通知专利申请人,专利权人或者撤销专利权的请求人。

    The Patent Reexamination Board shall , after reexamination , make a decision and notify the applicant , the patentee or the person who made the request for revocation of the patent right .

  16. 一是通过限制专利权的主体来推动科技发展,包括限定发明人、专利申请人和专利权人;

    One is by restricting patent right subjects , including defining and dividing inventor , patent proposer and patentee .

  17. 采用专利引文分析方法,研究技术循环时间、高被引专利、专利地域分布、申请人分布等特点。

    Using patent citation analysis method , wecalculated the technology cycle time and statistically analyzed the distribution of hight cited Chinese patents , regions , applicants .

  18. 虽然专利法对弱保护期规定有临时保护措施,但弱保护期仍会对专利申请人利益造成影响,因此,申请人应针对专利弱保护期采取相应策略。

    Though the patent laws have temporary protection measures for the weak patent protection , the weak protection still has negative influence on the benefit of the patent applicants . Therefore , the applicants should take certain measures against the weak protection .

  19. 针对国内生物技术类专利申请文件撰写中存在的问题,从6个方面提出看法和建议,供国内专利申请人参考,以之保护自己的发明创造成果。

    Being aimed at the problems in the drafting of patent for biotechnological inventions , the present article advised from six points to help native applicants write high class applications in order to protect their inventions .