
  1. 高新技术条件下专利权客体的拓展

    The Expansion of the Object of Patent Right Under the High Technology Condition

  2. 指出计算机软件具有多重知识产权客体属性,主要是著作权客体属性和专利权客体属性。

    This paper point that computer software has multiple attributes of intellectual property rights , the main IP attributes are copyright and patent property attributes .

  3. 第五部分提出了生物产业对垄断的预防。本文主要是从专利权客体的范围、专利审查的角度分析。

    Part five brings forward and analyzes the precautions against monopoly of biology Industry mainly from the perspective of the scope of patent object and patent examination .

  4. 这与专利权客体标准本身的重要性直接相关:一方面,清晰的专利权客体标准对于商业中的公司和个人同样是十分重要的。

    This related to the importance of the patentable subject matter standards directly : on the one hand , clear standards are important both for the companies and individuals in business .

  5. 与有形财产权相比,专利权客体的非物质性使得其权利界定和保护十分困难,被侵害的风险较高。

    Compared with the tangible property rights , Patent non-material object makes the patent right is very difficult to . define and protect and facing the higher the risk of infringement .

  6. 同时从功能上看,软件更接近于专利权的客体而不是著作权的客体,因而对计算机软件进行专利权保护具有广阔的前景和深远的意义。

    Meanwhile looking from the function , the software favors in the patent object but not the copyright object , so the patent protection to the computer software has the broad prospect and the profound significance .

  7. 具体至专利制度,科学技术对于专利权客体的范围带来了巨大调整。

    Specific to the patent system , science and technology has brought a big adjustment to the patentable subject matter .

  8. 该法案确立了专利制度的目的、授予专利权的条件、专利权的主体客体和内容、专利保护期、侵权后果、地域性原则和强制许可制度。

    This bill establishes the purpose of the patent system , the conditions for patentability , the subject the object and the content of patent , patent protection , the infringement consequences , the regional principles and compulsory licensing .

  9. 本部分重点分析了商业方法可专利性的的争议。其中争议的焦点,即:商业方法是否属于专利权的客体范围。

    The emphasis of this chapter lies in the controversies on the patentability of business method : whether business method could be eligible object of patent .

  10. 高新技术的发展为专利制度带来了挑战也带来了发展机遇,为适应高新技术发展的要求,专利权的客体呈现不断拓展的趋势。

    The development of the high technology has brought challenge and opportunity to the patent system . To satisfied the requirement of high technology development , the object of patent right appears expansion trend .