
  1. 第五部分是对我国专利侵权纠纷解决的完善建议。

    The fifth part of our proposal is to improve the patent infringement dispute resolution .

  2. 专利侵权纠纷中的专利权无效宣告请求及其相关问题研究

    Study on Invalidity During Patent Infringement Dispute

  3. 当事人没有就该专利侵权纠纷向法院起诉。

    No party concerned has filed a lawsuit with the court for the patent infringement dispute .

  4. 第四部分是基于本案对我国专利侵权纠纷原因的分析。

    The fourth part is based on an analysis of the case of a patent infringement dispute reasons .

  5. 此部分在认清问题的基础上对我国专利侵权纠纷的解决提供了建议。

    This part of the problem on the basis of a clear understanding of our patent infringement dispute settlement offer recommendations .

  6. 本部分内容主要用一则专利侵权纠纷案引出本论文要论述的问题。第二部分:案例焦点及问题的引出。

    A tort action case brings forth the issue discussed in this paper . Chapter two introduces the case focus and poses the question .

  7. 考虑到中国法院系统处理案件的速度,中国还正在成为在处理专利侵权纠纷方面更具吸引力的司法管辖区。

    China is also becoming a more attractive jurisdiction for patent infringement disputes , given the speed with which its court system processes cases .

  8. 同时将环保因素作为合理抗辩事由以应对未来商业化过程中可能出现的专利侵权纠纷和标准陷阱。

    Environmental factors as a reasonable defense to deal with patent infringement disputes that may arise in the future commercialization of the " standard " trap .

  9. 在日益增多的专利侵权纠纷案件中,专利侵权损害赔偿额的确定是当前专利侵权案件审判工作中经常遇到的一个难题。

    In a growing number of patent infringement disputes , to determine the amount of the patent infringement damages in current trial often encountered a problem .

  10. 不久前在纽约证券交易所上市的泰和诚医疗集团有限公司,近日陷入一宗索赔额达1.75亿元的专利侵权纠纷案。

    Concord Medical Services Holdings Limited , which not long ago announced for IPO on New York Stock Exchange , was recently entangled into a patent lawsuit for175 million RMB .

  11. 近年来,企业遭遇的专利侵权纠纷呈现明显的上升趋势,已经严重影响到企业的生存发展和国家的经济安全。

    In these years , the number of patent infringement affairs of enterprises has shown obviously ascending trend , which has affected enterprises ' survival and development and country 's economic security .

  12. 在美国,发生专利侵权纠纷后享有诉权的只有专利权人,大多数专利案件由陪审团来审理并确定赔偿数额,少数案件由法官审理及确定赔偿数额。

    In the United States , only the patent owner has right to file a lawsuit after infringement . Most cases were heard by jury and decide the damages awarded to plaintiff , while few by judge .

  13. 知识产权是知识经济的核心,知识经济的迅猛发展使经济科技领域中的知识产权含量快速升高,世界经济一体化和市场竞争的加剧使专利侵权纠纷案件大量增加。

    Intellectual property is the core of knowledge-based economy , of which the rapid developments lead to an accelerating correlation between it and economic-technical realm , and the integration of global economy with the growing competition have increased the patent infringement litigation .

  14. 我国加入WTO一年来,涉及专利侵权的法律纠纷急剧增加,如何有效规避专利技术壁垒,有效保护我国企业知识技术产权,已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    Since one year after China Accession to WTO the law disputes of infringement of patent are increased acutely . How to evade the technical forts and protect the intellectual property of the business circles of our country efficiently it 's became the problem need solve at present .

  15. 专利权无效和侵权纠纷解决机制

    The System for Settling Disputes on Patent Invalidation and Infringement

  16. 专利纠纷的思考专利侵权纠纷中依法合理抗辩的适用

    On the Appliance of Reasonable Counterplea in the Dispute of Infringement of Patent

  17. 在专利纠纷中,专利确权与侵权纠纷占大多数且两者联系非常紧密。

    In patent disputes , patent formulation and infringement dispute are the majority and the two are linked very closely .

  18. 在我国的专利法中是指在专利侵权纠纷中,被控侵权人有证据证明其实施的技术或者设计属于现有技术或现有设计的,不构成侵权。

    The patent law in our country existing technology defense means , in the patent infringement dispute , the accused infringer has evidence to prove that its technical or design implementation belongs to the existing technology or existing design , it will not constitute infringement .

  19. 据统计,从1985年至2004年,全国法院共受理一审专利纠纷案件16000多件,其中专利侵权纠纷占80%以上。

    According to the statistics , the courts all around country had accepted and heard more than 16000 cases about patent knot from the year 1985 to 2004 , in which patent approaching knots account more than 80 % .

  20. 但在专利制度中,解决实践中频发的外观设计专利侵权纠纷所能依据的法条却寥寥无几并且可操作性较差,相关理论研究薄弱。

    However , in the patent system to address the practice of IF issued design patent infringement disputes , according to this law can have very few and poor operability , the theory of weak .

  21. 专利文献是极为重要的科技信息来源,无论是申请专利、申报课题,还是开发新产品、处理专利侵权纠纷,都离不开专利文献的检索。

    Patent literatures are extremely important sources of scientific information , whether patent application , issues reporting , and the development of new products , handling patent infringement disputes , are inseparable from the patent searching .