
  1. 基于遥感和GIS的上海城市空间热环境研究

    Research on Spatial Thermal Environment in Shanghai City Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  2. 本文介绍了应用GPS技术对上海城市平面控制网的改造方案。

    The GPS technique is used to rebuild the first-order control network for Shanghai city .

  3. 基于GIS的上海城市灰尘重金属空间分布特征研究

    Research of spatial variability of heavy metal pollution of dust in Shanghai urban area based on the GIS

  4. 基于SDSS的上海城市防汛决策支持研究

    A Study on SDSS-based Shanghai Flood Control Decision Support

  5. 采用GIS空间分析技术,对1949~1996年期间上海城市中心区工业用地变化的时空进程进行空间分割和历史形态分析。

    According to the GIS spatial analytical technology , the spatial and temporal process of the central district of Shanghai 's industrial land use change from 1949 to 1996 was analyzed by spatial-comminuting and historical-morphological approaches .

  6. 上海城市边缘区样带LUCC的生态效应分析

    Analysis on the Ecological Effect of Land Use and Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) of the Urban Fringe Sample Zone in Shanghai

  7. 上海城市轨道交通110kV主变电所资源共享探讨

    On 110 kV Main Substation Resources Sharing in Shanghai Urban Mass Transit

  8. 就InSAR开展上海城市地面沉降研究提出了基本思路,对InSAR城市遥感应用的潜在意义进行了分析和讨论。

    As for the research of urban land subsidence , some thoughts of investigating by using InSAR are proposed . It also demonstrates its potential meaning for urban Remote Sensing .

  9. 上海城市污水化学生物絮凝处理的试验CEPT法处理上海城市污水的试验及其意义

    Chemical and Biological Flocculation Process to Treat Shanghai Municipal Sewage Test of Applying CEPT to City Wastewater in Shanghai and It 's Significance

  10. 分析了2008年上海城市天然气用户高峰周的负荷曲线,采用高压管道、高压球罐以及LNG调峰站共同承担调峰任务,确保正常安全供气。

    The load curve of the peak week for Shanghai urban natural gas users in 2008 is analyzed . High-pressure pipeline , high-pressure spherical gasholder and LNG peak-shaving station will be used together for peak-shaving to assure normal safe gas supply .

  11. 上海城市轨道交通六号线5标段施工中,由于混凝土振捣导致预应力波纹管破裂而使Wb06~Wb07跨孔梁一侧主梁预应力钢束无法张拉。

    In construction of Contract 5 of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 6 , the tendons in one side of the main beam ( Span Wb06 ~ Wb07 ) is not able to be tensioned due to the corrugated pipe for tendons damaged by concrete vibration .

  12. 1990年代的上海城市开发与城市结构重组

    Urban Development and Restructuring of Shanghai City in the 1990 's

  13. 上海城市交通与机动车排气污染调查

    Investigation on Urban Traffic and Vehicle Exhaust Emission Pollution in Shanghai

  14. 对上海城市绿化建设中地带性植被恢复问题的思考

    Think over Recovery of Regional Vegetation in Shanghai Urban Plantation Construction

  15. 从上海城市建筑密度看城市用地效率与生态环境

    Construction density of shanghai in consideration of land utilization and environment

  16. 上海城市降雨径流污染过程及管理措施研究

    Pollution Processes and Management Researches on Urban Rainfall Runoff in Shanghai

  17. 面向上海城市社区信息服务示范工程研究综述

    Survey of the Demonstration Project of Shanghai City Community Information Services

  18. 城市空间与建筑空间&关于上海城市建筑的断想

    Urban Space & Architectural Space ── On Urban Architecture in Shanghai

  19. 上海城市“近自然森林”建设的尝试

    An Attempt to Build a " Close-to-Nature Forest " in Shanghai

  20. 上海城市近地面层风场特征的初步研究

    Study on Some Features of the Wind Field in Shanghai City

  21. 上海城市地下空间权利设置与土地管理研究

    Land right instauration and management of urban underground space in Shanghai

  22. 上海城市废弃物增长的环境库兹涅茨特征研究

    Environmental Kuznets characteristics of municipal solid waste growth in Shanghai city

  23. 北京、广州、上海城市居民营养知识、态度、行为的调查

    Survey on Nutritional Knowledge , Attitude and Practice among the Residents

  24. 土壤阳离子交换量在上海城市土壤质量评价中的应用

    Application of soil CEC to evaluation of soil quality in Shanghai

  25. 借鉴澳大利亚经验,发展我国城市铁路&关于建设上海城市铁路的设想和建议

    To Develop China 's Urban Railways by the Experiences of Australia

  26. 21世纪上海城市管理研究

    The Study of Management on Shanghai City In the Twenty-first Century

  27. 城市记忆与复兴&上海城市雕塑艺术中心的实践

    Memory and Revival of a City : Practice in Shanghai Sculpture Space

  28. 上海城市轨道交通体制改革与发展探索

    The Reform and Development of Shanghai Urban Rail Traffic System

  29. 上海城市风暴潮灾害及其预测

    Storm - Tide Disaster and Its Forecast in Shanghai City

  30. 上海城市绿地植物造景研究

    Studies on Planting Design of Urban Green Space in Shanghai