
shàng xué
  • go to school;attend school;be at school;entrance;school;attendance
上学 [shàng xué]
  • (1) [go to school]∶学生到学校学习

  • 我每天早晨七点钟上学

  • (2) [entrance]∶入学

  • 在许多学校报名上学

  • (3) [be at school]∶开始到小学学习

  • 这孩子上学了没有

上学[shàng xué]
  1. 在有些国家,儿童刚上学时学习用印刷体书写。

    In some countries children learn to print when they first go to school .

  2. 不管你喜欢不喜欢,你得上学。

    You 've got to go to school , whether you like it or not .

  3. 我上学时常常与他和他姐姐在一起。

    I palled around with him and his sister at school .

  4. 孩子们上学放学需要摆渡。

    The children need to be ferried to and from school .

  5. 我正在让孩子们准备好去上学。

    I 'm just getting the kids ready for school .

  6. 我已经忘了第一天上学的情景。

    I don 't remember my first day at school .

  7. 父母对孩子做好上学的准备起着至关重要的作用。

    Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school .

  8. 5到16岁的孩子必须上学。

    Children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16 .

  9. 我还依稀记得我第一天上学的情景。

    I can vaguely remember my first day at school .

  10. 她每天乘公共汽车去上学。

    She rides the bus to school every day .

  11. 现在许多学生在上学期间就从事有薪工作。

    Many students now have paid employment during term .

  12. 这个歌唱家在上学的时候就受到赏识了。

    The singer was discovered while still at school .

  13. 我上学时喜欢历史。

    I loved history when I was at school .

  14. 我看来对上学不感兴趣,使父母担心。

    My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school .

  15. 我们明天上学得背诵一段哈姆雷特的台词。

    We have to learn one of Hamlet 's speeches for school tomorrow .

  16. 她学习不怎么样,而且讨厌上学。

    She wasn 't very academic and hated school .

  17. 我几个孩子这个星期一直是自带午餐上学。

    My kids have been brown-bagging it this week .

  18. 波莉和往常一样,上学又迟到了。

    As always , Polly was late for school .

  19. 这里的孩子去上学要步行好几英里。

    Children here walk several miles to school .

  20. 他们从上学时期以来就是最要好的朋友。

    They 've been best mates since school .

  21. 孩子穿什么上学,我觉得无所谓。

    I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards what the kids wear to school .

  22. 他有十天没上学了。

    He 's had ten days off school .

  23. 自从上学以来她就一直梦想着成为演员。

    Since she was a schoolgirl she had dreamed of going on the stage .

  24. 她上学时跟我同级。

    She was in my year at school .

  25. 我上学时擅长算术。

    I was good at sums at school .

  26. 她上学非常用功。

    She shows great diligence in her schoolwork .

  27. 我的孩子还都在上学。

    All my kids are still at school .

  28. 我有个十岁的孩子在上学。

    I have a ten-year-old in school .

  29. 那时候,大多数人上学只上到十五岁。

    In those days most people left school when they were only fifteen years old .

  30. 令人啼笑皆非的是她成了教师——她过去一向厌恶上学。

    It 's ironic that she became a teacher ─ she used to hate school .