
  1. 我相信,这样的“课程”将会在今后成为孩子们迈向成功道路上的基石。

    Such lessons as delivered today will later become the building blocks of success in the life of our children .

  2. 英语已经变成一种促进交流的语言。同时,对很多人来说,学习英语是他们通往成功道路上的奠基石。

    English has simply become the language that facilitates communication , and for many people learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success .

  3. 谈判协商是欧洲走上一体化道路的基石,它体现在欧盟的体制、政治模式和运行方式等诸多方面。

    Negotiation is the soul of European integration . It reflects the institutional , political mode and operation mode of EU , and so on .