
  1. 三黄胶囊对消除淋病奈瑟氏菌R质粒的作用研究

    The Study on Sanhuang Capsule to Eliminate R Plasmid of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

  2. 三黄丸对溃疡性结肠炎大鼠模型组织TNF-α、IL-6、IL-8的影响

    Effect of Sanhuang Pill on TNF - α and IL-6 and IL-8 in Model Tissue of Big Rat With Ulcer Colitides

  3. 为建立三黄痔疮膏中大黄素的质控标准。采用HPLC的方法进行含量测定,以乙醇为溶剂提取有效成分,去除基质。

    To establish quality control standards for emodin in " San Huang Zhi Chuang Ointment ", HPLC method was applied to assay the content of emodin in the ointment .

  4. 方法:对比研究了三黄泻心汤传统饮片汤剂与中药配方颗粒汤剂中生物碱类的薄层色谱(TLC)、高效液相色谱(HPLC)。

    Method : A contrastive research was used to analyze alkaloids in Sanhuang decoction for purging stomach-fire and its concentrated granule by TLC and HPLC methods .

  5. 三黄肝之宝抗脂肪肝药理学研究及初步机理探讨(对过氧化反应作用及TNFα、IL-6水平的影响)

    Experimental Study of Liver Treasure Applying on Fatty Liver in Rat with Primary Mechanism Approach ( Observing the Inference of Anti-oxidize , TNF - α, IL-6 Level )

  6. 通过PCR从三黄肉鸡的肝脏基因组中扩增了鸡α干扰素(ChIFN-α)全长基因。

    The full length of chicken interferon alpha ( ChIFN - α) gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) from total liver genome of Sanhuang meat-chicken and sequenced .

  7. 三黄泻心汤ig0.5,0.25g/kg可缩短正常小鼠的出、凝血时间,缩短血浆复钙时间,3P试验呈阳性。

    Sanhuang Xiexin Decoction ( 0.5,0.25g / kg , ig ) shortened clotting and bleeding time in mice , 3P test turned to be positive reaction .

  8. 三黄鸡各组织对βc与Lutein的沉积能力两组三黄鸡胆汁中放射性浓度均极显著高于其它组织(P<0.01),两处理间差异不显著。

    In the last experiment , radioactive concentration in gall was higher ( P < 0.01 ) than other tissues significantly , which was non-significantly differed between ~ ( 14 ) C - β c and ~ ( 14 ) C-Lutein .

  9. 以甲醇01%磷酸(9∶1)为流动相,C18柱测定了大黄素的含量。结果测得三黄痔疮膏中大黄素含量为00663mg/g,平均加样回收率965%。

    Results : The content of emodin in the ointment was 0 0663mg / g and its average recovery rate was 96 5 % .

  10. 结果:在得到的200mL三黄泻心汤中含黄芩苷1211mg,小檗碱276mg,大黄酸25mg。

    Result : There were baicalin 1 211 mg , berberine 276 mg and rhein 25 mg in 200 mL Sanhuang Xiexin decoction .

  11. 研究了健康组、血瘀模型组及血瘀反证组三黄鸡单剂量(20mg/kg)口服替米考星的药代动力学特征;采用微生物法测定血浆药物浓度,3P87药动学程序处理药时数据。

    To study pharmacokinetics of tilmicosin in chickens of Blood Stagnation Syndrome in at a single oral dose of 20mg / kg , the investigation included three groups , that is to say , the healthy , Blood Stagnation Syndrome and contrary Syndrome group ;

  12. 三黄汤、小檗碱抑菌作用弱而稳定,试管稀释法测得的MIC分别为500mg/mL和2.5mg/mL,而用平板抑菌圈法得不到明显的抑菌圈。

    But Chinese Traditional Medicine sanhuang and berberine exerted weak antibacterial effect by LB dilution tests , in which MIC were 500 mg / mL and 2.5 mg / mL , respectively , and no clear zones of growth inhibition were observed in Disk diffusion tests .

  13. 三黄泻心滴丸的研制与质量标准研究

    Preparation and Study on Quality Standard of Sanhuang Xiexin Drop Pill

  14. 三黄液治疗发泡法致腕部感染效果观察

    Effect of Tri-yellow Liquid in Treating Wrist Infection Caused by Vesiculation Therapy

  15. 将12日龄健康三黄雏鸡120羽随机分成15组。

    120 12-day - old chickens were randomly divided into 15 groups .

  16. 三黄软膏治疗急性软组织损伤的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Sanhuang Ointment Treating Acute Soft Tissue Injury

  17. 三黄消渴胶囊治疗老年糖尿病的临床研究

    Clinical Study on SanHuang DM Capsule in Treating Senile Diabetes

  18. 三黄酊治疗糜烂渗出面皮肤损伤的疗效观察

    Effect of Sanhuang tincture to treat patients with anabiotic exudation skin lesion

  19. 复方三黄膏外敷治疗静脉炎的效果观察

    Effect on compound Sanhuang plaster external applying to treat patients with phlebitis

  20. 三黄汤加味外用治疗化疗致表浅静脉炎120例

    120 Cases of Superficial Phlebitis Caused by Chemotherapy in Modified Sanhuang Decoction

  21. 三黄炉甘石混合液治疗新生儿脓疱疮的效果观察

    Observation of Effects of Sanhuang-calamine Mixture for Newborn 's Abscess

  22. 柠檬酸对三黄土鸡早期生产性能的影响

    The Effect of Citric Acid on the Performance of Three Yellow Chicken

  23. 三黄速释片的检测方法研究

    Studies on Detecting Method of Sanhuang Rapid - release Tablets

  24. 不同药物防疫程序对三黄鸡育雏效果的比较研究

    Comparison of the Effect on Brood To Tree-Yellow-Chick for Different Medicines Prevention Procedure

  25. 我军派了一个营的兵力对三黄围展开了进攻。

    A battalion of our soldiers attacked the castle .

  26. 三黄合剂抑制血小板聚集作用的临床与实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Study on Inhibitory Effect of Sanhuang Mixture on Platelet Aggregation

  27. 陈永康晚粳稻三黑三黄高产栽培经验的初步分析

    Analysis on the high yielding Technique of late rice

  28. 高硒日粮对本种三黄雏鸡的毒性试验

    Toxic test of high selenium diet to local chicken

  29. 三黄抑亢胶囊的质量标准研究

    Study on Quality Standard for Sanhuang Inhibin-hyperfunction Capsule

  30. 结论:三黄肾康丸对大鼠肾衰有明显治疗效果。

    CONCLUSION : SHSK has a markedly therapeutic effect on renal failure in rats .