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  1. 到了下星期三,韦斯莱夫人一大早就把他们叫醒了。

    Mrs. Weasley woke them all early the following Wednesday .

  2. 笑话三有位老夫人买的东西太重了,她让杂货店里的一个年轻伙计帮她把东西搬上车。

    Joke 3 heavily laden with groceries , an old lady asked a young clerk at the grocery store to accompany her to her car .

  3. 星期三上午,撒切尔夫人的灵柩将在送葬队伍护送下经过伦敦中部城区,英国军人列于道路两旁。

    Her coffin will be carried in a funeral procession Wednesday morning along a central London route lined by members of the British armed forces .

  4. 就他们三个人,老夫人想道,为什么不呢,反正他们很快就成为朋友了。

    Looking at this , the lawyer suggested a dinner together , just three of them , wife thought , why not , since they are still going be friends .