
  1. 然而,高希希导演的这部电视剧则讲述了一个新版的三国故事。

    However , the new TV drama directed by Gao Xixi is putting a new spin on the story .

  2. 以三国故事说唱文学为研究对象,具有重大的学术理论意义和现实意义。

    Taking Rap literature of Three Kingdoms as the research object has great research significance and the practical significance .

  3. 襄阳是三国故事的源头和三国文化的发祥地,以三国文化为主要特色。

    Xiangyang tourism features the THREE KINGDOMS CULTURE , for the popularly-known stories of the ancient Three Kingdoms originated here .

  4. 三国故事说唱文学,是指以三国时期的历史和人物为题材的说唱类文学作品。

    Rap literature of Three Kingdoms refers to the history of the Three Kingdoms period and characters as the theme of it .

  5. 民间非职业性的口头传播形式除了三国故事外,还有歇后语、谚语等方式。

    Private non-professional nature of the " The Three Kingdoms " stories in addition to oral communication , there are twisters , proverbs , etc. .

  6. 午后本来没功课,那女孩儿却兴犹未尽,要老师再讲三国故事。

    Afternoon had no homework , and that girl has not yet been finalized hing to do , to revisit the three stories of a teacher .

  7. 罗贯中则是三国故事的集大成者和再创造者,到了他的手上《三国演义》才成为一部伟大的小说。

    A synthesizer and rewriter of the stories of the Three Kingdoms , Luo Guanzhong made a great novel of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms .

  8. 这是我们中心最小的一个学员,正在专注的讲叙一个三国故事“刮骨疗伤”。他在这次比赛中取得了很好的成绩。

    The youngest competitor is telling a famous ancient story about Guan Yu titled " Scrap poison off the bone " and he got the great prize in the end .

  9. 三国故事是中国古代名著故事中引人注目的故事之一,国内学者对三国各种文本的研究以及文本中人物的研究非常多。

    The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the one of the attractive story in ancient China , of which the domestic academics research much on its characters in text as well as text .

  10. 明初政治文化的使命就是儒学精神的重建,这也是三国故事二度创作的契机。

    The main task for politics and culture at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty was to reconstruct the Confucian spirit , and it was a chance by which the novel of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was created for the second time .

  11. 三国的故事,滔滔江水,一言以蔽之,就是伪父临朝,易子而食。从家庭,到朝廷;从私家,到国家;

    The story of Three Kingdom is long and complex , but we can well summarize it with this : Fake father presiding the court and people exchange their sons to cook as food .

  12. 第三章讨论动画短片《赵子龙单骑救主》的创作。本章共分两节,包括动画短片的构思缘由和具体创作。赵子龙单骑救主是人们耳熟能详的《三国演义》经典故事。

    Divided into two sections , including the animated short film idea of reason and the creation of specific . " Zhao Zilong Safeguarding his Little Master " is that people familiar with the classic romance of the three kingdoms story .

  13. 《铁血三国志》以三国时期战争故事为背景,是一款冒险类网络游戏。

    San Guo Online is an adventure game based on war stories from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history .