
dīng xiāng
  • clove;lilac;Syzygium aromaticum
丁香 [dīng xiāng]
  • [lilac;clove] 丁香属的一种植物

丁香[dīng xiāng]
  1. 木犀科丁香属植物是荒山绿化的重要树种,可有效地降低烟尘、清新空气,是美化、净化工矿区环境不可缺少的良好植物材料。

    Syzygium aromaticum is an important tree species for afforestation in barren hills , can effectively reduce soot , clean air , it is to beautify the environment , and purify the industrial and mining area indispensable good plant material .

  2. 丁香树一种常绿树木(丁香蒲桃属),原产摩鹿加群岛,因其芳香的干花苞而被广泛种于温暖地带我像麝鹿一样在林荫中奔走,为着自己的香气而发狂。

    An evergreen tree ( Syzygium aromaticum ) native to the Moluccas and widely cultivated in warm regions for its aromatic dried flower buds . I run as a musk-deer runs in the shadow of the forest mad with his own perfume .

  3. 丁香散发出芬芳的香味。

    The lilac gave off a sweet fragrance .

  4. 从窗口,我闻到紫丁香的香味搀和着青草的味道。

    Through the window I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the smell of grass .

  5. 丁香结是一种四肢约束法。

    The clove hitch is an extremity restraint .

  6. 我国盛产肉桂、丁香、生姜、胡椒和宝石。

    My country is rich in cinnamon , cloves , ginger , pepper , and precious stones .

  7. 空气中弥漫着丁香花的芬芳。

    The air was filled with the scent of lilac .

  8. 丁香与玫瑰的香味扑鼻而来。

    A sweet-smell comes from roses and clove trees .

  9. 薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。

    Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth .

  10. 像梦中飘过一支丁香地,

    Like a lilac Floating past in a dream ,

  11. 一个丁香一样的结着愁怨的姑娘。

    A girl like a bouquet of lilacs

  12. 如果疲倦,闻上一点丁香油将令人清醒。

    If tired , smell a whiff of clove oil and it will wake you up .

  13. 还有六月的暖雨里敲打湿淋淋的窗格玻璃的那些紫丁香花朵;还有你的晨衣的颜色,

    And the lilac bloom That beat at the dripping pane7 In the warm June rain ; And the colour of your gown ,

  14. HPLC法测定艾迪注射液中紫丁香苷含量

    Determination of syringin in Aidi Injection by HPLC

  15. HPLC法测定黑龙江省不同地区刺五加紫丁香苷的含量

    Syringin content of Acanthopanax senticosus samples in Heilongjiang different zones measuring by HPLC method

  16. 超临界CO2流体萃取-分子蒸馏提取丁香精油的研究

    Studies on Supercritical CO_2 Extraction-molecular Distillation of Essential Oil from Clove ( Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb . ) Bud

  17. RAPD标记在丁香分类鉴定中的应用

    Classification and Identification of Lilac Cultivars Using RAPD Markers

  18. AHplus和氧化锌丁香油糊剂根管充填术后疼痛比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Pain of AH Plus and Zinc Oxide Eugenol Paste after Root Canal Filling

  19. 马雷说,此前的禁令对该国的丁香农民非常不利,并且违反了WTO规则。

    Mari said previously that the ban was highly detrimental to this country 's clove farmers and was in breach of WTO rules .

  20. RAPD技术为丁香品种分类鉴定提供了可靠方法。

    RAPD technique provides a simple and reliable alternative approach for identification of lilac cultivars .

  21. 方法:HPLC梯度洗脱方法测定广炎灵粉针中丁香苦苷A的含量。

    Methods : The syringopicroside A was determined in GuangYanling Powder injection by HPLC gradient elution GuangYanling Powder injection analysis method .

  22. 三金羟磷灰石糊剂与碘仿糊剂及氧化锌丁香油糊剂的美兰渗入长度有显著差异(P0.01)。

    There was no significant difference between iodoform paste and zinc oxide eugenol paste ( P 0.05 );

  23. 从1HNMR图谱中看出存在明显的紫丁香基苯和愈疮木基环结构。

    Judged from the () ~ 1H NMR , the syringyl and guaiacyl group in the lignin is present .

  24. 组分C经过在紫外灯下定位及HPLC色谱分析,被鉴定为刺五加苷B即紫丁香苷。通过苯酚&硫酸法对养生酒进行了多糖含量的测定。

    Component C was identified as syringin . through the UV lamp positioning and HPLC chromatographic analysis , and analysis the polysaccharides in the health wine by the phenol-sulfuric acid method .

  25. 采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术分析了6个丁香(Sarinaa)品种间的遗传关系。

    Genetic relationship among lilac ( Syringa ) cultivars were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) with an average of 5 bands each primer .

  26. 在对东北地区11种丁香属植物的系统发育分析中,SeriesVillosae以较高的支持率成为属内的基部分支。

    Series Villosae is the well-supported basal taxon in the phylogenetic analyses of 11 species from Northeast China .

  27. 通过GC-MS从丁香挥发油中分离分析出14种化合物,其中丁香酚的相对含量最高,达68%;

    By GC-MS , 14 compounds from clove volatile oil were identified . The major constituent is eugenol and the relative content was 68 % .

  28. 这些结果提示丁香苷改善AA大鼠异常的细胞免疫功能,调节细胞因子的平衡可能是其治疗AA大鼠继发性炎症的作用机制。

    These results indicate that anti-inflammatory effects of syringin on AA rats are mediated by modulating the immune function of abnormal cells and the balance of cytokines .

  29. 抑菌试验表明,丁香挥发油MIC中丁香酚的浓度高于丁香酚的MIC。

    In addition , antifungal activity assays showed that the concentration of eugenol in MIC of clove volatile oil was higher than chemical eugenol .

  30. 方法采用羟丙甲基纤维素HPMC为骨架材料,以湿法制粒压片法制备丁香苦苷亲水凝胶骨架片。

    MethodsWith HPMC as the matrix , the Singopicroside hydrophilic matrix tablets were prepared by a wet granulation compression method .