
fén shǔ
  • zokor;sokhor
鼢鼠 [fén shǔ]
  • [sokhor] 几种体形健壮的穴居的仓鼠类啮齿动物(鼢鼠属 Myospalax ),产于中国及西伯利亚南部,形状很像美洲产的衣囊鼠,但不同处在于眼睛大为缩小,且缺外耳

鼢鼠[fén shǔ]
  1. 3种鼢鼠线粒体DNA控制区结构及其系统发育分析

    Studies on the structure of the mitochondrial DNA control region and phylogenetic relationships of 3 zokor species

  2. 高原鼢鼠(Myospalaxbaileyi)不同地理种群的形态变异

    Morphological variation of the plateau zokor ( Myospalax baileyi ) from different geographical populations

  3. 结果表明:化学灭鼠剂磷化锌、敌鼠钠盐、溴敌隆随毒性的降低其防治效果明显下降,生物灭鼠剂C型肉毒素和弓箭法防治高原鼢鼠不仅效果较好,而且效率比较稳定。

    It is indicated that the control effectiveness of third-generation chemical rodenticide was declined with the decreasing toxicity , while biological rodenticide Botulin Model C and arrow method gave good performance with stable effectiveness .

  4. 方法:采用PCR直接测序技术测定高原鼢鼠18SRRNA基因核苷酸序列并作序列特征分析。

    The nuclear 18S rRNA gene region was amplified by PCR using a consensus primer set and its nucleotide sequence was determined by PCR direct sequencing .

  5. 结论中华鼢鼠骨提取物对由FCA所介导的大鼠佐剂性关节炎的抑制作用,与抑制IL-1的生成以及免疫抑制作用有关。

    Conclusion Extracts of MF exert inhibitory effect on rats with hypersensitive reactive inflammation induced by FCA and its mechanism may be related with immunosuppressive action and the inhibition of IL-1 formation .

  6. 甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalaxcansus)由于适应地下洞道高CO2低O2的生活环境,机体各项功能都因低氧影响发生了变化,心血管系统尤为显著。

    Owning to adapt for higher CO_2 and lower O_2 of subterranean environment , all functions of Gansu zokors ( Myospalax cansus ) have been changed such as the cardiovascular system .

  7. 高原鼢鼠脂(FOPZ);

    Fat of Plateau Zoko ( FOPZ );

  8. 用原子吸收分光光度计、可见光分光光度计对甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalaxcansus)骨骼中Ca、K、Na、Mg、P5种常量无机元素作了测定。

    The contents and distributions of the inorganic macroelements & Ca , K , Na , Mg and P in skeletons of Gansu Zokor ( Myospalax cansus ) were determined by AAS ( Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ) and SP ( Spectrophotometry ) .

  9. 3甘肃鼢鼠各处理组血清钙磷浓度均无显著差异;钙添加组、VD添加组、钙+VD添加组血清ALP浓度均显著高于对照组。

    The femur P in VD adding group , Ca + VD adding group and control group are significantly higher than that in Ca adding group of SD rats . 3 There are no significant differences of the plasma Ca , P among the four groups of Gansu Zokors .

  10. 在固原林区,应用克鼠星1号(Krs1)灭鼠剂进行鼢鼠防治,2个防治区内,林木死亡率分别比对照下降了9.2%和5.7%,鼢鼠的有效洞率分别下降18.0%和28.9%。

    The results show that the tree 's death rates in treatment are reduced by 9.2 % and 5.7 % than control , and the rate of effective zokor cave are reduced 18.0 % and 28.9 % , by making use of Krs1 ~ # to control zokor .

  11. 鼢鼠破坏对天祝高寒草地土壤营养的影响

    Impact of zokor on soil nutrients of alpine meadow in Tianzhu

  12. 甘肃鼢鼠血象及其与低氧适应的关系

    Blood Composition and its Relationship with Hypoxia Adaptation in Gansu Zokor

  13. 鼢鼠螨类三新种

    Three new species of mites from the mole - rats

  14. 次生林全面清坡造林幼林地,其群落优势种为甘肃鼢鼠。

    In clear cutting forest , the dominant species was Gansu zokor .

  15. 当前.主要的森林鼠害为中华鼢鼠。

    The main forest mouse pest is common Chinese zokor .

  16. 鼢鼠在空间的聚集强度高于鼠兔。

    The assembling intensity of the zokor is higher than the pika .

  17. 不同演替阶段鼢鼠土丘群落植物多样性变化研究

    Plant diversity variations in zokor-mound communities along a successional stage

  18. 鼢鼠土丘植被演替过程中的种的生态位分析

    Niche analysis of species in vegetative succession on zokor mounds

  19. 两种新型方法防治高原鼢鼠的比较研究

    Efficiency Comparison of Two New Methods of Controlling Plateau Zokor

  20. 介绍一种野外判别高原鼢鼠性别的方法

    A new method to distinguish plateau zokor 's sex in the field

  21. 甘肃鼢鼠和中华鼢鼠繁殖特性的研究

    Study on reproductive characteristics of Gansu Zokor and Chinese zokor

  22. 林区甘肃鼢鼠危害的主要特征及生态控制对策

    Harmfulness Characteristic and Bionomic Control Measurements to Gansu Zokor in Plantation Areas

  23. 繁殖期甘肃鼢鼠活动节律研究

    The daily activity rhythm of Gansu zokor in reproductive period

  24. 高原鼢鼠繁殖期和非繁殖期的行为比较

    Behaviour comparison of Plateau Zokor between reproductive and nonreproductive periods

  25. 东北鼢鼠鼠害分布型和抽样调查技术研究

    Study on Distribution-model and Sampling Investigation Technology of Zokor Pest

  26. 鼢鼠危害已制约当地造林工程的发展。

    The zokor harm has restricted the local development of afforestation project .

  27. 高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的初步研究

    Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes of the Pika and the plateau zokor

  28. 克鼠星1号防治甘肃鼢鼠试验研究

    A Study on the Control Effects of KRS NO.1 on Gansu Zokor

  29. 高原鼢鼠土丘空间格局及主要特征研究

    The study of patterns and characteristics of plateau zokor mound

  30. 人工饲养高原鼢鼠生长和发育的观察

    Observation on the growth and development of Plateau Zokors by artificial feeding
