
  • 网络Wong Chuk Hang;Wang Chuk Hang
  1. 新招募的警员及督察会在黄竹坑警察训练学校参加住宿训练课程,警员的训练课程为期27个星期,而督察的训练课程则为36个星期。

    All newly recruited Constables and Inspectors must attend a27-week and a36-week residential course , respectively , at the Police Training School in Wong Chuk Hang .

  2. DarrenHayward/TheWallStreetJournal越来越多的酒吧开始供应手工精酿啤酒,Roundhouse就是其中之一。东边两公里处的黄竹坑(WongChukHang)又有一家酿酒厂正在兴建。

    Two kilometers to the east , another brewing venture is taking shape in Wong Chuk Hang , a strip of rusty old factories .