
  • 网络yellow sticky trap;Yellow board
  1. 试验结果证明,利用黄板诱杀茶黑刺粉虱和假眼小绿叶蝉成虫效果明显,并能间接控制其幼虫数量。

    The results proved that , the effects by use of yellow sticky trap to trapping Aleurocanthus spiniferus and Empoasca vitis Gothe are highly visible , and the impact of the nymphae is indirect .

  2. 黄板对温室黄瓜2种害虫的防效及对农残的控制效果

    Control Effect of Yellow Sticky Boards on Pesticide Residues and Two Species of Cucumber Pests in Greenhouse

  3. 【结论】黄板诱杀可有效控制温室黄瓜烟粉虱成虫种群。

    【 Conclusion 】 Adult trapping is effective in controlling adult population of B. tabaci on greenhouse cucumber .

  4. 设置黄板诱集成虫是斑潜蝇测报和防治的重要手段。

    The use of yellow template trapping in the fields is an important measure in the forecast and control of vegetable leaf miner .

  5. 研究表明利用黄板诱集是进行灰飞虱种群监测和防治的有效手段。

    All the results showed that the yellow sticky card is the most effective one for monitoring and controlling the planthopper . 2 .

  6. 黄板法能够有效监测黄曲条跳甲的田间种群发生动态,与常规的单位面积法反应的田间种群动态一致。

    The population dynamics of striped flea beetle based on yellow sticky board was parallel with that based on the traditional method of field investigation .

  7. 用黄色塑料板涂上机油、猪油或花生油作为替代品诱杀该虫也有良好的作用,试验原材料来源广,操作简便,防治温室白粉虱安全无毒无污染,黄板可重复使用。

    This experiment was characterized with numerous sources of raw materials , easy operating , safety and non-toxic , no pollution and reuse of the yellow-board .

  8. 我的马突然发狂,头一歪露出他的黄板大牙,疯狂地骂起一连串的脏话,我吓得从马背上摔下来。

    My horse suddenly started going mad , tilting his head and showing his yellow big teeth , crazily shouting a series of dirty words . I was frightened to fall off his back .

  9. 针对黄板的良好诱杀效果,进而在果实发育期研究了不同颜色、不同悬挂高度及密度的粘虫板对诱杀效果的影响。

    For the significant trapping efficiency of sticky card traps to insect pests , trap color , height placement and density were further studied to evaluate the traping effect during the period of fruit development .

  10. 连续两年分析发现,性信息素黄板可使番茄病毒病、病情指数分别降低34.4%和23.6%以上,表明性信息素黄板可有效降低番茄病毒病发病率及病情指数。

    Analysis for two consecutive years , sex pheromone board can reduce the viral disease and disease index 34.4 and 23.6 % and above respectively , showing that the sex pheromone board can reduce the tomato virus disease incidence and disease index effectively .

  11. 结果如下:上灯数量与目测数量在0.05水平上相关显著。上灯数量与网捕数量、黄板粘虫数量均在0.01水平上相关显著。

    Results are as follows : There was significant Correlation between light trap number and visual measurement number at the 0.05 levels , net trap number , and yellow trap number were highly significant Correlation between light trap numbers at the 0.01 level .

  12. 同时田间新梢蚜虫发生率与黄板上蚜虫诱集量有显著的线性关系,可以利用黄板上蚜虫诱集量平均值的预测区间结合田间无翅蚜发生高峰来预测田间蚜虫的发生情况。

    A significant linear relationship was found between the trapped aphid number and aphid incidence in current shoots . Thus , prediction confidence intervals of aphids on traps combining with the occurrence peak of apterous aphids in fields were suggested to estimate aphid occurence .

  13. 在大棚梨发育前期初步研究了黄板对大棚梨园主要害虫的诱杀效果。

    However , the occurrence of insect pests particularly Aphididae and Tetranychidae were much heavier in the plastic tunnel . ( 2 ) During the earlier growth stages of pear trees , the trapping effects of yellow sticky card traps on insect pests was preliminarily studied in the plastic tunnel .