
  1. 《黄帝内经·素问》语义模糊数词英译研究

    English Translation of Semantically Fuzzy Numerals in Plain Questions of Yellow Emperor 's Canon of Medicine

  2. 《黄帝内经·素问》第二篇《四气调神大论》中有云:圣人不治已病治未病。

    Chapter two of " Huang Di Nei Jing . Su Wen " says " Saint does not treat the disease , but preventive treatment of disease " .

  3. 在语言结构上,通过对《黄帝内经?素问》两个译本中文化因素的处理从词汇、句法、修辞三个层面进行的分析,我们应该尽力反映源语言和目标语言之间的差别。

    By comparing translations of cultural factors in two English versions of The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor from lexical level , syntactical level and rhetoric level , we should try our best to reflect the difference between the source language and the target language .

  4. 是研究人的生理学、病理学、诊断学、治疗原则和药物学的医学巨著。《黄帝内经》包括《素问》八十一篇和《灵枢》八十一篇,各九卷。

    It focuses on the study of hu-man beings physiology , pathology , diagnostics , principles of treatment and phar-maceutics . The work is comprised of two parts , i.e.Suwen arid Lingshu , each be-ing divided int0 9 volumes and further 81 chapters respectively .