
jī nián
  • year of the rooster
  1. 我是鸡年出生的。

    I was born in the year of the Rooster .

  2. 我的星座是射手座,在鸡年出生。

    My star sign is Sagittarius and I was born in the year of the rooster .

  3. 马克:那必须的。对了,我想知道你认为应该称鸡年为“theyearoftherooster”还是“theyearofthechicken”。

    By the way , I 'm wondering if you think it 's right to call it the year of the rooster or the year of the chicken .

  4. 平稳将是鸡年中国林产品市场的主调

    He Market Trend of Chinese Forest Products Will be Stable at 2005

  5. 我是鸡年生的。

    I was born in the year of rooster .

  6. 我上次见到你时,看到你有鸡年的邮票。

    You had it when I last saw you .

  7. “号外”才是鸡年的最后一个帖子!

    You are the last but one !

  8. 鸡年快乐!

    Happy Year of the Rooster !

  9. 那时鸡年就要到了,李知道他该怎么做。

    Looking ahead to the Year of the Rooster , Lee knew what he wanted to do .

  10. 香港天星码头的农历新年装饰。2005年是农历鸡年。

    Photo ID : CRW1067.New year decoration at Star ferry terminal , Hong Kong , China , 2005 .

  11. 因为鸡年邮票销售得那么好,美国邮政总局委托李再为他们设计一套12属性的邮票。

    Because the rooster stamp sold so well , the Postal Service commissioned Lee to design a Lunar New Year series of 12 stamps .

  12. 鸡年给大家送上第一部电影小鸡快跑,恩,非常合适。

    Well , this year is the rooster year , and I 'm so happy I pick chicken run as the very first film introduced on movie english .

  13. 男,出生于一个普通的,但是幸福的家庭于1981年,鸡年,175厘米在身高,体重六五千克,学士学位的工程师背景。

    Male , Born in an ordinary , yet happy family in1981 , year of rooster , 175cm in height , 65kg in weight , bachelor degree in engineer background .

  14. 随着鸡年的到来,中国的一句谚语“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年”真的成为了现实。

    The Chinese proverb " the weasel pays respect to the hen without the best of intentions " became all too real with the arrival of the Year of the Rooster .

  15. 无论是在北京游览庙会,在香港观赏烟花,还是在伦敦参加庆典巡游,亲人和社区都将欢聚一堂,期待新的一年——鸡年的到来。

    From the fairs in Beijing , to the fireworks in Hong Kong and the parades here in London , families and communities will come together and look to the year ahead - the Year of the Rooster .

  16. 尽管他已经属美国籍,但是全球的华裔还是无不为此欢欣鼓舞。在鸡年,华裔美籍优质歌手王力宏最希望看到的,便是让全世界认识华语音乐。

    Although Prof Cui has become an American citizen , Chinese people everywhere are jubilant over his Nobel Prize . IF there 's anything Chinese-American singing cutie Wang Lee Hom hopes to see for the Year of the Rooster , it would be worldwide recognition for Chinese music .

  17. 作为2017年第一位网红,“脆皮兄弟”在鸡年伊始的春节期间刷爆了中国人的朋友圈,大多人都把它们误认为是小鸡。

    Known as the No.1 newly emerging web celebrities of 2017 , the Poinko Brothers have been widely used on Chinese social networks at the start of the Year of the Rooster during the Chinese Spring Festival period , as they are mistaken for a pair of chickens by most people .

  18. 当我第一次考虑服从自然胃口的时候听起来就像是让黄鼠狼给鸡百年。

    When I first considered obeying my natural appetite , it sounded like leaving the fox in charge of the henhouse .