
  • 网络cod fillet;pollock fillet
  1. 同样在英国,海上冻结鳕鱼片报价比四月份低,而岸上冻结的鳕鱼片价格维持不变。

    Similarly in the UK , FAS cod fillet quotes are reported to be lower than in April while shore frozen prices are steady .

  2. 无论是葱烧鳕鱼片,还是琵琶乳鸽(roastedpigeonmarinatedwithosmanthus),所有菜肴都让人赞不绝口。

    And the dishes - braised sliced cod with garlic and shallots , and roasted pigeon marinated with osmanthus - are sublime .

  3. 主要出口产品有:鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片、真鳕片、红鱼片、马哈鱼片、扇贝丁等其它类产品。

    Our main exporting products : pollock fillets , yellow fin sole fillets , cod fillets , red snapper fillets , salmon fillets , scallop , etc.