
  • 网络Aoshan Bay
  1. 结果表明,与其他海湾相比,鳌山湾水交换能力一般。

    The results show the capacity of seawater exchange in Aoshan Bay is general .

  2. 结果表明,化学生态调控试验后,鳌山湾浮游植物数量呈逐渐升高的趋势。

    The results show that the amount of phytoplankton in the Aoshan Bay rises gradually after the experiment .

  3. 鳌山湾水温月变化明显,8月水温最高,海区平均值为280℃,3月水温最低,海区平均值为66℃。

    The monthly change of the mean temperature was obvious with the highest of 28.0 ℃ in August and lowest of 6.6 ℃ in March .