
mó wáng
  • devil;fiend;tyrant;Prince of the Devils;Prince of Devils;despot
魔王 [mó wáng]
  • (1) [Prince of Devils]∶佛家语。天魔之王;比喻极端凶恶而残无人性的人

  • (2) [devil;despot;fiend;tyrant]∶凶暴的恶人

魔王[mó wáng]
  1. 魔王(亚巴顿)万岁!伟大的吞噬者。

    All hail Abaddon , the Great Devourer .

  2. 魔王愕然向对方望过去。这家伙绝对疯了

    Voldemort stared at him ingenuously . The man MUST have lost his marbles .

  3. 我们周末去了魔王吧,打赌谁能把阿P灌醉。

    We went to the Demon Bar the past weekend , and bet on who could drink Mr.

  4. 他们在Harry15个月的时候被黑魔王Voldemort杀害了。

    They were murdered by the dark Lord Voldemort when Harry was just 15 months old .

  5. 另外一本获得罗德·道尔(7到14岁年龄段)幽默童书奖的读物是《DarkLord:TheTeenageYears(黑暗魔王的青春期)》。它讲述了一位来自地狱的伯爵发现自己寄居在一个肥胖儿童身体里的故事。

    Dark Lord : The Teenage Years , a tale about a powerful netherworld lord who finds himself inhabiting the body of a chubby teenager scooped the 7 to 14 year category prize .

  6. 就像魔王索隆的城堡一样。Dmitry说道。

    Like Sauron 's castle , says Dmitry .

  7. 火之龙,Nuova,是在悟空还是小孩时,短笛大魔王许愿回复青春时诞生的。

    Nuova Shenron-The Dragon of Fire , Nuova , was born when King Piccolo wished for youth when Goku was a child .

  8. 魔王的能量增强了,她的力量就减弱了。

    As the Sauron 's power grows , her strength wanes .

  9. 现在你准备好告诉我有关恐惧魔王的事了吗?

    Are you ready to tell me about the dreadlords now ?

  10. 上个月跟黑魔王的那场较量让他大伤元气。

    The duel with the Dark Lord last month shook him .

  11. 教堂里有魔王的照片吗?

    Is there a picture of the devil in this church ?

  12. 你无需要为这些杀人魔王的行为负责。

    You are not responsible for the actions of these murderers .

  13. 魔王的金盔和铜墓却被销毁。

    When tyrants ' crests and tombs of brass are spent .

  14. 用火和剑去消灭魔王撒旦!

    Use of fire and sword to eliminate the devil , Satan !

  15. 我是个好魔王,对吧?

    I was a good devil , wasn 't I ?

  16. 但是,关于炼狱魔王的传说是否真实呢?

    Could there be some basis in truth to all these tales ?

  17. 啊,严酷的魔王!噢,瘸腿的圣徒!

    O , Draconian devil ! Oh , lame saint !

  18. 他自己从魔王那里学来的巫术。

    He learned the black arts from the emperor himself .

  19. 你跟黑魔王讨论过这个问题吗?

    Have you discussed this matter with the Dark Lord ?

  20. 魔王指引往第三楼层的方向。

    The devil shows the way to the third floor .

  21. 他压低声音说,黑魔王把计划透露给了很少几个人,我是其中之一。

    I am one of the few the Dark Lord has told .

  22. 邪恶之君魔王索伦秘密铸造了一枚至尊魔戒

    the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring

  23. 就是魔王索伦以末日火山的烈焰所铸造的

    forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom

  24. 如果我倒在这个杀人魔王的剑下。

    If I fell under the sword of that murderer .

  25. 任何地狱来的天使都不能解开魔王的毒咒。

    No angel born in hell , Could break that Satan 's spell .

  26. 黑魔王失势时,你在哪儿?

    Where were you when the Dark Lord fell ?

  27. 可是他知道这是个魔王,我们这不幸的骑士!

    And that he knew it was a Fiend , This miserable Knight !

  28. 在《罗摩衍那》里面:魔王拉瓦那的飞行器就称为布斯帕卡。

    In the Ramayana : the demon-lord Ravana 's flying palace called Pushpaka .

  29. 短笛大魔王又生出了一个新的怪物,他的名字叫作大鼓。

    There 's a new beast in town and his name is Drum .

  30. 对我们的魔王产生怀疑?你为什么会那样想?

    Question our sovereign ? You would consider that ?