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  1. 高虎城表示,周一签署的协议是关于基础设施的。

    Gao Hucheng says the deals signed this Monday relate to infrastructure .

  2. 商务部副部长高虎城:努力提高进口便利化

    Vice Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng : Convenient Import to be Improved by China

  3. 商务部副部长高虎城出席了开幕式,并主持了煤炭与能源可持续发展高峰论坛。

    Vice-Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng attended the opening ceremony and chaired the following Energy Sustainable Development Forum .

  4. 星期三,澳大利亚总理阿博特和中国商务部长高虎城在堪培拉出席了签署仪式。

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Chinese Trade Minister Gao Hucheng attended the signing ceremony Wednesday in Canberra .

  5. 高虎城此前担任商务部副部长,而徐绍史此前担任国土资源部部长。

    Mr Gao had previously been deputy commerce minister , while Mr Xu had served as land and resources minister .

  6. 高虎城部长表示,菲代表团访问期间还将签署其他文件,保证合作的效率和透明度。

    Minister Gao Hucheng says other documents will be signed during the visit to ensure efficiency and transparency in their cooperation .

  7. 中国商务部部长高虎城和日本代表世耕弘成及韩国代表周亨焕一同参加了会议。

    Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng attended the meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts , Hiroshige Seko and Joo Hyung-hwan .

  8. 高虎城赞扬了这项自由贸易协定。他说,这项协定全面、优质、全面。

    Trade Minister Gao praised the free trade deal , which was struck late last year , as comprehensive , high-quality and balanced .

  9. 商务部部长高虎城在北京的新闻发布会上表示,钢铁行业的产能过剩并不仅仅是中国的问题。

    Gao Hucheng , minister of commerce , told a press conference in Beijing that overcapacity in the metals industry was not just a Chinese problem .

  10. 中国商务部部长高虎城强调,世界经济复苏正处于一个艰难却至关重要的阶段,三国在这其中的作用是独一无二的。

    Chinese minister Gao Hucheng stressed the unique role of the three countries in the world economic recovery which is at a difficult yet crucial stage .

  11. 中国商务部长高虎城周二表示,就欧盟对中国手机通讯设备进行调查一事,中方一直寻求磋商解决争端。

    China 's Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said on Tuesday that China was always seeking consultations to solve disputes with the European Union over mobile telecommunications equipment .

  12. 高虎城在两会期间接受记者采访时表示,虽然新兴市场出现了经济放缓状况,但经济基本面还是良好的,有能力克服目前遇到的困难。

    Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the ongoing legislative session , Gao Hucheng said although the economy of emerging markets is slowing down , the fundamentals are sound enough to tackle the existing difficulties .

  13. 同时,高虎城指出,中国有关部门正在研究放宽利用外资的措施,包括金融、教育、文化、会计、审计、商贸物流、电子商务等十个服务行业和制造业。

    Meanwhile , Gao Hucheng notes that Chinese authorities are studying the idea of relaxing bans on foreign capital in some 10 service and manufacturing industries , including finance , education , accounting , auditing , logistics and electronic commerce .