
liú chéng
  • Distillation range;boiling range
馏程[liú chéng]
  1. 毛细管色谱法在苯产品馏程分析中的应用研究

    Application of Capillary Chromatography in Benzene Boiling Range Analysis

  2. 分析了轻瓦斯油窄馏分的馏程、十六烷值、烟点以及其他性质如芳烃含量、苯胺点、硫氮含量之间的关系。

    The relationship among the boiling range , cetane number , smoke point , and other properties such as aromatics content , aniline point , and the sulfur and nitrogen content was also studied .

  3. 改造后的减四线油的馏程宽度为74°C,色度小于4.5号,为下游装置提供了较好的润滑油料。

    After revamping , the distillation range of the forth-side vacuum stream was 74 ° C . the colority was less than 4 . 5 , supplying superior lube-stock for the downstream units .

  4. 用差示扫描量热法(DSC)、热重法(TG)、微商热重法(DTG)分析研究了不同馏程的两种闪蒸油的预炭化沥青的热解行为。

    The thermal destruction characteristics of condensation pitches of two differential distillation range 's flash oil are studied with DSC , TG and DTG .

  5. 首先以轻质循环油和系列正构烷烃为例,讨论了GC×GC的分离特性及用于宽馏程样品分离条件最佳化的方法。

    Firstly , we took light cycle oil ( LCO ) as a sample and discussed the separation characteristics of GC × GC and optimization of the conditions for separation of a sample with a wide distillation range .

  6. 根据原油的实沸点(TBP)蒸馏数据和超临界萃取分馏方法得到的常压渣油TBP蒸馏数据,开发了获得全馏程TBP蒸馏数据的方法。

    Based on the atmospheric residue TBP data Obtained by TBP distillation data of crude and supercritical extraction method , a method obtaining the full range distillation TIP data were developed .

  7. 由常减压蒸馏方法得到的蒸馏曲线用于描述液化油的馏程分布,H-NMR方法给出液化油的平均分子结构参数。

    Distillation curve is for description flowing distribution of liquefaction oil . Average molecular structure parameters of liquefaction oil are calculated based on the data obtained from high resolution H-NMR technique .

  8. 在线近红外光谱分析仪可以实时测定汽油调合组分及成品油的多种物化性质指标如烯烃、芳烃、苯及氧化物含量、辛烷值(RON、MON)、馏程、蒸气压等。

    The on-line near Infrared ( NIR ) analyzer can provide instantaneous multi-property analysis for gasoline blending components and finished gasoline , such as octane number , aromatics , olefins , benzene , oxygenates , and distillation points .

  9. 应用小波变换-神经网络方法(WT-ANN)对重整汽油的近红外光谱数据进行处理,预测重整汽油的馏程及辛烷值。

    WT-ANN method was offered using on Near-Infrared ( NIR ) Spectra to predict distillation ranges and octane number of reformed gasoline .

  10. 常温进样测定轻质原油馏程的模拟蒸馏方法

    Determination of boiling range distribution of light crude oil by simulated

  11. 石油产品馏程自动控制方法探讨

    Considerations for an Automatic Control Method in Petrolic Product Distilling Process

  12. 在线全馏程分析仪的应用研究

    The Application and Research of On-line Analyzer on entire Distillation Range

  13. 用气相色谱法测定粗苯馏程

    The determination of the distillation process of crude benzene by gas chromatography

  14. 开发应用油品馏程自动测定系统实现分析误差最小化

    Development Application of Automatic Oil Distillation Analyzer for Optimizing its Accuracy Repeatability

  15. 馏程是液体燃料蒸发性大小的主要指标。

    Distillation range is a major indicator to express the liquid fuel evaporability .

  16. 工业气相色谱的模拟蒸馏技术在汽油馏程分析中的应用

    Application of Industrial Gaseous Chromatograph in Gasoline Distillate Analysis

  17. 高馏程甲苯的成分鉴定和硝化研究

    A study on the composition and nitration of toluenes having high boiling ranges

  18. 近红外光谱快速测定轻质油品馏程及蒸气压

    Rapid determination of distillation range and vapor pressure for light oils using NIR method

  19. 我们可提供三种馏程范围、具有不同挥发性的产品。

    The distillation range is a kind of chief quality index for petroleum products .

  20. 减压馏分油的馏程宽度对溶剂精制和溶剂脱蜡过程的影响

    The effect of distillation range width of VGO on solvent refining and solvent dewaxing

  21. GB/T3146-1982苯类产品馏程测定法

    Benzene hydrocarbon products & Determination of distillation range

  22. 全馏程实沸点蒸馏曲线数学模型

    Mathematical model for full range TBP curves

  23. 石油产品馏程的测量

    Measurement for Distillation Range of Petroleum Products

  24. 这些关联式可用来预测油砂沥青改质得到的宽馏程中间馏分的十六烷值和烟点。

    The correlations apply to bitumen-derived middle distillates that have a wide range of boiling points .

  25. 饱和蒸汽压与馏程符合70~汽油标准。

    Reid vapor pressure and distillation range come up to the standard of 70 ~ # gasoline .

  26. 实测了新疆九区稠油宽、窄馏分油的平均沸点、密度、折射率、运动粘度、相对分子质量、苯胺点及馏程等7种物性,得到了117组数据。

    The physical properties of Xinjiang heavy oil fractions were measured and 117 sets of data were obtained .

  27. 原油及渣油色谱模拟蒸馏馏程测定的影响因素分析

    Analysis of effective factors on distillation range determination of crude oil and residuum by simulated distillation gas chromatography

  28. 不同馏程闪蒸油制预炭化沥青的热解行为及其性质研究

    The Study of the Property and Thermal Destruction Characteristics of Condensation Pitchs of Two Differential Distillation Range 's Flash Oil

  29. 因此,作为重要的性能指标,馏程在石油产品的生产、应用和储存环节意义重大。

    Therefore , as the important control indicator , distillation range has great significance in oil production , use and storage .

  30. 加强原料硫全馏程分布调查确保装置长周期安全运行

    Intensifying the investigation on full rage distribution of feed sulfur to ensure a long cycle and safe operation of the unit