
  1. 中外风险投资运行机制的比较研究

    Comparison of venture capital running mechanism between China and western country

  2. 我国矿产地质勘查风险投资运行机制探讨

    Research on the Risk Investment System of the Geological Survey in China

  3. 集装箱码头交通运输组织建模及仿真技术研究风险投资运行机制及集装箱码头风险投资分析

    On Modeling and Simulation Technology for Container Port Transportation Study of the Operation Mechanism of the Venture Capital and the Investment of the Container Port

  4. 私人创业风险投资的运行机制及博弈分析

    Study on the Operating Mechanism and Game Analysis of Private Venture Capital

  5. 风险投资的运行机制及其法律规范

    The Operation Mechanism of Risk Investment and its Legal Regulation

  6. 第3章:我国风险投资的运行机制与模式。

    Chapter 3 : The operation mechanism and mode of venture capital investment in China .

  7. 再次,深入细致地研究和探讨了如何利用一套有效的风险投资机构运行机制来减少信息不对称风险。

    Thirdly , the paper researched and discussed on a set of effective operating mechanism to mitigate information asymmetry risks .

  8. 风险投资的内在运行机制是合理预期高收益和合理控制高风险。

    The internal operation mechanism of venture capital is to anticipate returns and control risks rationally .

  9. 风险投资项目评价与运行机制研究

    Study on the Evaluation and Operation Mechanism of the Venture Capital

  10. 风险投资后管理是风险投资运行机制中的一项重要环节,包括两个基本内容:风险监控和增值服务。

    Post-investment Activities is one important step of venture capital operating mechanism , which includes two basic contents that is risk control and value added service .

  11. 在阐述国外成熟的理论及模式的同时,分析我国风险投资实际运行的特殊性和阶段性,探讨如何建立我国的风险投资运行机制。

    The paper expounds the mature theories and models abroad and analyses the peculiarity of the operation of Chinese venture capital in practice in order to probe into how to establish Chinese mechanism of the operation of the venture capital .

  12. 我国的风险投资同发达国家相比,仍然处于起步阶段,尽管在理论上对风险投资宏观运行机制的研究比较多,但对风险投资决策评价理论与实践的研究还比较欠缺。

    In comparison with developed countries , venture capital of China is still in the primary stage . Many scholars have studied the theories on its macro-operating mechanism while few have done research on its appraisal method .