
kē lì
  • particle;granule;grain;pellet;dust;bead;anything small and roundish
颗粒 [kē lì]
  • (1) [pellet;anything small and roundish]∶小的圆形或球形体

  • 这些珍珠的颗粒大小很整齐

  • (2) [grain]∶各种谷类植物(如小麦、燕麦、稻子、谷子)的种子或类似果实的种子

  • 颗粒归仓

颗粒[kē lì]
  1. 利用颗粒堆积法成功制备了电致发热多孔SiC陶瓷,通过改变配方中主要原料和辅助原料的颗粒级配。

    Porous SiC ceramics which can produce heat through electricity are prepared successfully by pellet accumulation .

  2. 如果只进行一个鉴别检验,应当首推红外线(IR)光谱(溴化钾颗粒)。

    If only one specific identity test is performed , an IR spectrum ( KBr pellet ) is preferred .

  3. 这些颗粒聚结形成较大的团。

    These small particles agglomerate together to form larger clusters .

  4. 他几乎颗粒未进,走火入魔。

    He almost wouldn 't eat at all and had the oddest manias .

  5. 墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。

    Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface .

  6. 液体中的原子与形成颗粒的矿物质相互作用。

    Atoms within the fluid interact with the minerals that form the grains .

  7. 她在用勺往杯子里舀咖啡颗粒。

    She was spooning coffee granules into cups .

  8. 传送带会发出刺耳的噪音并释放出乌黑的橡胶颗粒。

    The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber

  9. 小颗粒牢牢附着在种子上。

    Small particles adhere to the seed

  10. 根据所需剂量的浓度不同,每颗胶囊里含有30至100个吗啡硫酸盐颗粒。

    Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required

  11. 固体颗粒从溶液中过滤出来。

    The solid particles were filtered from the solution .

  12. 进入细胞后,病毒颗粒就打开它的外壳。

    On entry into a cell , the virus particle uncoats .

  13. 在充气流动中,固体颗粒被气体流化或悬浮起来。

    In aerated flow solids are fluidized or suspended by the gas .

  14. 这个玉米棒子上有多少颗粒?

    How many grains are there on this corncob ?

  15. 内潜影颗粒可以通过带巯基的显影防灰雾剂加以保护。

    The fogged internal latent image grains are protected by mercapto development antifoggants .

  16. 消光剂颗粒集结在合成纤维表面附近,导致表面粗糙。

    Agglomerates of delusterant particles located near the surface of sythetic fibers cause asperities .

  17. 添加混凝剂会促进颗粒的附聚作用。

    Addition of coagulants promotes agglomeration of particles .

  18. 滤去蛋奶沙司中的颗粒。

    Strain the custard to remove lumps .

  19. 带相同电荷的胶粒不能紧密靠近,它们不能聚集成较大的颗粒。

    Similarly charged colloidal particles cannot come close enough together to agglomerate into larger particles .

  20. 当他检查开封的罐子时,可以看到硕大的吸收剂颗粒与燕麦片混合在一起。

    When he inspected the canister opened he could see the large absorbent granules mixed in with the oats .

  21. 卡迪砂岩是岩屑砂岩,由燧石,石英、石英岩、硅化泥板岩和其它岩石碎屑颗粒所组成。

    The cardium sandstone is lithic , being composed of grains of chert , quartz , quartzite , silicified argillite , and other rock fragments .

  22. 细微大气颗粒物PM2.5)能增加饮食引起的胰岛素抵抗、脂肪炎症反应、内脏肥胖

    PM2.5 exaggerates diet-induced insulin resistance , adipose inflammation , and visceral adiposity .

  23. 他们采用了不同浓度的微尘(直径大于等于10微米的颗粒物,简称PM10)和柴油颗粒提取物(从车辆使用率高的地区天然提取)来模拟污染空气。

    They used various concentrations of PM10-like fine dust and diesel5 particulate extract ( found naturally in areas with high use of vehicles ) .

  24. 研究人员发现,PM10和柴油颗粒物的存在降低了促进头发生长的蛋白质——连环蛋白的水平,阻碍了形态发生

    Researchers found the presence of PM10 and diesel particulate decreased levels of the protein responsible for hair growth – beta-catenin – and morphogenesis .

  25. 颗粒从上面纷纷下落,最后腾涌消失

    Particles rain down from the slug and it finally disintegrates .

  26. 光球还有颗粒结构。

    The photosphere has a granular structure .

  27. 颗粒过滤器将颗粒物进行拦截。

    The pelletfilter intercepts the particulate matter .

  28. 对洗涤塔内相变促进燃煤细颗粒凝结长大与脱除进行了实验研究

    The removal of ultrafine particles from coal combustion was investigated experimentally based on condensations vaporwet scrubber .

  29. 花瓣之中则长有15或20个小的粉穗或雄蕊,顶部为黄色,包含很多细小的黄色花粉颗粒。

    Inside these petals are fifteen or twenty little dust-spikes or stamens , with yellow heads which are full of tiny yellow grains of pollen4 .

  30. 但日本的研究人员们发现,这些易碎的球体每个都能携带多达2000个花粉颗粒,它们温柔的轻吻足以使一棵开花的梨树受粉。

    But Japanese researchers have found that these delicate spheres can each carry up to 2000 grains of pollen2 , and their gentle kiss is strong enough to fertilise a flowering pear tree .