
  1. PaulaNewton现在就在海地,她将为我们报道关于现场以及官员怎样应对霍乱爆发的更多内容。

    Paula Newton is in Haiti . She has more for us on the situation down there and how officials are trying to deal with this outbreak .

  2. 海地霍乱爆发仍在继续传播疾病和忧虑。

    An outbreak of cholera in Haiti continues to spread sickness and worry .

  3. 已有250人因海地霍乱爆发而死亡。

    More than 250 people have died from this cholera outbreak in Haiti .

  4. 卫生专家们知道,他们可能正处在霍乱爆发关键性的转折点。

    Health professionals know that they may be at a tipping point with this outbreak .

  5. 霍乱爆发从8月份考试。

    The outbreak began in August .

  6. 根据联合国的数据,津巴布韦400多人由于霍乱爆发丧命,1万多人感染。

    In Zimbabwe more than 400 people have died from an outbreak of cholera and the number of people infected is now believed to be more than 10000 according to the United Nations .

  7. 面前最大的挑战是,这个国家将面临更多霍乱爆发,以及怎样采取措施防止霍乱在太子港众多的人群中爆发。

    In terms of challenges that lie ahead , is the fact that there will be more Cholera outbreak here in this country . And the need to really trying to do something to prevent it from spreading through a very large population that exist in Port-au Prince .

  8. 非洲国家的许多难民营,如南苏丹,塞拉利昂,利比亚,尼日利亚和其他国家,已报告有发现严重的霍乱爆发,而官方官员说,要想控制霍乱或者黄疸是非常困难的。

    Many camps in African countries , such as South Sudan , Sierra Leone , Libya , Nigeria and others have reported severe cholera outbreaks . In the case of cholera or jaundice , officials say containment is very difficult . They believe the best approach to deal with these infections is to prevent them .

  9. 自上月末霍乱疫情爆发以来,已有接近10000人在医院接受治疗。

    Nearly 10000 people have been hospitalized since the outbreak began late last month .

  10. 进行这一研究的科学家们希望对环境的检测能够有助于居住社区在预防霍乱的爆发。

    The researchers hope that monitoring the environment can help communities prepare better for cholera outbreaks .

  11. 由于霍乱疫情爆发和地震造成的破坏,一些海地人希望选举能够推迟。

    Some Haitians would like to see the election d because of the cholera outbreak and earthquake damage .

  12. 海地正在苦苦应对一月份灾难性的地震造成的损坏,而现在则面临霍乱疫情爆发。

    The nation has struggled with damage from the January earthquake -- and now a deadly outbreak of cholera .

  13. 在肯尼亚东部,儿童基金会说水质和卫生条件恶劣导致的霍乱大爆发也促成了儿童严重营养不良和死亡。

    In Eastern Kenya , it says a major cholera outbreak caused by poor water and sanitation also is contributing to acute malnutrition and mortality .

  14. 海地霍乱疫情的爆发已经造成几百人死亡。

    The outbreak in Haiti has already killed several hundred people .

  15. 卫生官员担忧首都太子港会遭遇霍乱疫情大爆发。

    Health officials are worried that the capital could suffer a major outbreak of the disease .

  16. 联合国援助机构报告说,津巴布韦霍乱疫情的爆发正在恶化,与此同时,这个国家的犯罪行为正在上升。

    The U.N. aid agencies report the outbreak is worsening amidst growing criminality in the country .

  17. Fore表示,霍乱流行并的爆发与Mugabe多年错误通知导致的经济危机和今年有争议的选举造成的政治困境不可分割。

    Fore said the cholera epidemic cannot be separated from the economic crisis in Zimbabwe stemming from years of misrule by Mr. Mugabe and the political stalemate stemming from this year 's disputed elections .

  18. 该市出现几起霍乱病例之后,人们对霍乱爆发的恐惧越来越强烈。

    Fears are growing of a cholera outbreak following the appearance of a number of cases in the city .

  19. 布什政府向津巴布韦提供超过两倍的紧急救助来对抗霍乱。布什政府表示,此次霍乱爆发主要归咎于津巴布韦总统Mugabe。

    The Bush administration says it is more than doubling emergency U.S. aid to Zimbabwe to combat a cholera epidemic it blames on the government of President Robert Mugabe .