
  • Rommel;Erwin Rommel
  1. 1942年后期,美国海军在太平洋成功遏制了日军的扩张,英国军队在北非击败了隆美尔(rommel),而苏军在斯大林格勒包围了德军。

    In late 1942 , the American Navy halted Japanese expansion in the Pacific , the British army defeated Rommel in North Africa and Russian troops were encircling the German forces at Stalingrad .

  2. 隆美尔戴上帽子,从车子里走了出来。

    Rommel put on his cap and got out of the car .

  3. 当时我军正与隆美尔的军队对峙着。

    We were face to face with Rommel 's forces at that time .

  4. 隆美尔注意到他的腰比以前更弯了。

    Rommel observed , he was becoming increasingly stooped .

  5. 在北非的沙漠中追击隆美尔两年之后

    And after two years of chasing Rommel through the North African desert ,

  6. 松了项圈的隆美尔了。

    Next time rommel 's on the loose .

  7. 沙漠战事的得手,本来会意味着隆美尔的气焰嚣张的军队的毁灭。

    Success in the Desert would have meant the destruction of Rommel 's audacious force .

  8. 尽管隆美尔尽可能快地赶回,损失也已经造成了。

    Although Rommel rushed back as quickly as he could , the damage was done .

  9. 隆美尔和他手下的军官公开地蔑视美国人的战斗能力。

    Rommel and his junior officers were openly contemptuous of the Americans ' ability to fight .

  10. 这次虽然未获成功,却使隆美尔裹足不前近五个月之久。

    And this , though denied success , brought Rommel to a standstill for nearly five months .

  11. 时值八月中旬,他们讨论的主题是隆美尔及其非洲集团军的前途。

    It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Africa Corps .

  12. 8月中旬,讨论的主题隆美尔和他的非洲军队的下场。

    It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Afirca corps .

  13. 在中东,它通过微弱的摩尔斯信号,使隆美尔的军队慢慢软弱。

    In the Middle East it was amplifying the dim Morse signals into the sinking of Rommel 's army .

  14. 当隆美尔听到入侵的消息,他承认错误说我真愚蠢。

    Rommel himself owned up to his mistake and uttered How stupid of me when he heard of the invasion .

  15. 在20岁的时候,隆美尔毕业于但格斯克军事学院,并在步兵中授予了少尉的官职。

    At20 , he was graduated from the War Academy at Danzig and commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry .

  16. 应该给隆美尔树立什么样的纪念碑呢?埋葬着他骨灰的坟墓上竖立着一具孤零零的十字架;

    What monuments now stand to Rommel ? There is a bare wooden cross above the grave that holds his ashes .

  17. 这将是一个战役的开端,要把隆美尔和他的集团军打得落花流水,滚出非洲。

    It will be the beginning of a campaign which will hit Rommel and his Army for six right out of Africa .

  18. 但是如果隆美尔满足于给他妻子发一份生日电报,德国本会有更大的成功机会。

    But the Germans would have stood a far better chance if Rommel had just settled for sending his wife a birthday telegram .

  19. 6月6号,被希特勒分配去保卫法国海岸沙漠之狐(隆美尔是二战的一位著名的德国陆军元帅,通称沙漠之狐译注)去了德国为他的妻子庆生。

    The Desert Fox , tasked by Hitler to defend the coast of France , had gone to Germany to celebrate his wifes birthday on June 6 .

  20. 三是最喜欢的二战期间的将领就是隆美尔,“沙漠之狐”,横扫整个北非战场,铁血霸气的战术巨人!

    Three is favorite during world war ii ," the general is desert fox Erwin rommel ," swept the north Africa battlefield tactics of giant , attitudinal blood !

  21. 隆美尔在埃及的东进7月时遭到奥钦列克的遏制,8月时又遭到了蒙哥马利的遏制,密码破译工作对后者起到了很大的帮助。

    Rommel 's eastward advance on Egypt had been checked by Auchinleck in July and by Montgomery in August , the latter being particularly helped by deciphered signals .

  22. 在新成立的美国第三集团军司令巴顿将军身上,美国人找到了一个坦克将军,与非洲的隆美尔一样骁勇善战。

    In General Patton the commander of the newly formed US Third Army , the Americans had found a tank general with the dash and flair of Rommel in African .

  23. 英国依靠破译出来的信息,能够找到更重要的目标去破坏,隆美尔在这样的攻击下,失去了四分之一的供给。

    Rommel was now losing one quarter of his supplies through British attacks which were almost totally dependent on detailed Enigma information - sometimes enabling them to pick out the more important cargoes for destruction .

  24. 他在战场上的高效率一直为人所称道,李可以凭直觉主导战况。这一点很像二战中的隆美尔或是巴顿,因此他从某种程度上可以感觉到哪里适合放手一搏,哪里适合迎头一击。

    Highly regarded for his effectiveness on the battlefield . Lee could intuit the battlefield in a way that almost resembles Rommel in World War II , or Patton , and as a result , he could sort of almost sense where the place would be to take the gamble and where to hit .