
  • 网络Chen Liang;Justin Chen
  1. 苹果的OS操作系统被认为是非常安全的,具备非常好的安全架构,陈良告诉安全信息网站ThreatPost的迈克尔•米莫苏说。

    For Apple , the OS is regarded as very safe and has a very good security architecture , Chen told ThreatPost 's Michael Mimoso .

  2. 在接受CNET科技资讯网的单独采访时,陈良说道,OSX系统比iOS7.0更难攻破,因为苹果为桌面操作系统提供的安全更新比为移动操作系统提供的更为频繁。

    In a separate interview with CNET , Chen said that OS X is harder to attack than iOS 7.0 because Apple issues security updates for its desktop operating system more frequently than for its mobile OS .

  3. 陈良,楚产也。

    Chen Liang was a native of Chu .