
  • 网络sarah chen;SARAH;Sarah Chan;Chan Sarah
  1. 新加坡创作歌手蔡健雅将极具分量的最佳女歌手奖收入囊中,这是她六年中第三次获得该奖项,平了台湾歌手陈淑桦和张清芳三次封后的最高纪录。

    Singaporean singer-songwriter Tanya Chua bagged the prestigious best female singer award , her third win in this category in six years . Chua has equaled the record of accomplished Taiwanese singers Sarah Chen and Stella Chang , who each have three wins to their names .

  2. 蔡健雅三度封后新加坡创作歌手蔡健雅将极具分量的最佳女歌手奖收入囊中,这是她六年中第三次获得该奖项,平了台湾歌手陈淑桦和张清芳三次封后的最高纪录。

    Third time is a charm Singaporean singer-songwriter Tanya Chua bagged the prestigious best female singer award , her third win in this category in six years . Chua has equaled the record of accomplished Taiwanese singers Sarah Chen and Stella Chang , who each have three wins to their names .