
  1. 尽管如此,这些顾问表示,陈元依然有兴趣。

    Nevertheless , Mr Chen remained interested , these advisers say .

  2. 陈元:中国开发性金融的开发者

    Chenyuan : The Developer of China 's Developmental Finance

  3. 现在看来,陈元的两个观点都是错误的。

    As it turned out , Mr Chen was wrong on both counts .

  4. 陈元表示:他们在基础设施融资方面建立了一种非常好的模式。

    They set up quite a good model for infrastructure financing , he said .

  5. 国开行的陈元从纽约回到北京后,就开始忙着打电话。

    CDB 'S Mr Chen returned to Beijing from new York and began making telephone calls .

  6. 陈元证实,国开行正进行有关谈判,为委内瑞拉的几个项目建立一个融资机制。

    The governor confirmed the bank was negotiating to set up a financing mechanism for several projects in Venezuela .

  7. 但陈元对本报表示,国开行正在能源和矿产行业寻求新的国际融资机会。

    But Chen Yuan , CDB governor , told the Financial Times it was seeking new international financing opportunities in energy and minerals .

  8. 如今,陈元已从国开行退休,眼下该行更关注于国内事务,为保障房建设提供了资金。

    Now , Chen Yuan has retired from CDB and the bank is more focused on the domestic front , financing affordable housing .

  9. 中国国开行往往能引起极大的关注,这在一定程度上是因为它拥有一位高调的董事长陈元。陈元是中国一位革命领导人的儿子。

    CDB often attracts most of the attention , thanks in part to its high-profile chief , Chen Yuan , son of a revolutionary leader .

  10. 陈元说:我们正竭尽全力支持这些海外项目,帮助那些项目所在的国家。

    We are making our strongest efforts to support these projects abroad and assist the countries where these projects are located , said Mr Chen .

  11. 去年底,国开行行长陈元向英国《金融时报》表示,该银行正在进行谈判,为委内瑞拉的几个项目建立一个融资机制。

    Late last year , CDB governor Chen Yuan told the FT that the bank was negotiating to set up a funding mechanism for several projects in Venezuela , a country with a very hostile relationship with the US .

  12. 陈元表示:现在大家都说要到西方市场上去抄底,我觉得不应该去美国的华尔街抄底,而是要多考虑一下世界上拥有资源和能源的地区。

    Everyone is saying we should go to the western markets to scoop up [ underpriced assets ] , said Chen Yuan . I think we should not go to America 's Wall Street , but should look more to places with natural and energy resources .