
  • 网络Ahmedabad;Ahmadabad
  1. 上周末,孟买的一个妇女和一个从美国来到阿默达巴德市的印度商人在感染H1N1病毒后死亡。

    A woman in Mumbai , and an Indian businessman visiting Ahmedabad from the United States died over the weekend after contracting H1N1 .

  2. 事实上,泰米尔纳德邦的蒂鲁巴和哥印拜陀市正在快速地取代古吉拉特邦的阿默达巴德和苏拉特,成为印度纺织业的中心。

    In fact , Tirupur and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu are fast displacing Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat as the leading textile centres of India .

  3. 其他的三个报道的死亡病例分别来自与浦那市同是印度西部的孟买和阿默达巴德市以及印度南部的钦奈市。

    The other deaths have been reported from Mumbai and Ahmedabad-also in the west , and from Chennai in southern India .

  4. 2011年11月6日宰牲节前夕,穆斯林妇女在印度西部城市阿默达巴德郊区清真寺祈神。

    Muslim women offer prayers at a mosque on the eve of the Eid al-Adha festival on the outskirts of the western Indian city of Ahmedabad Nov6,2011 .