
  • 网络astrazeneca;AstraZeneca PLC;AstraZeneca AB;AZN;Astra Zeneca
  1. 研究显示,辉瑞和阿斯利康等疫苗在接种两剂后对印度变种病毒能产生较高的免疫力,然而单剂的保护力似乎会减弱。

    Research suggests that vaccines , such as the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs , are highly effective against the Indian variant after two doses , but protection from one dose appears to be reduced .

  2. 阿斯利康公司发言人表示,他们“不愿排除任何可能”有助于缓解接种疫苗后疼痛的事情,但他们“的确不清楚这么做有什么帮助”。辉瑞和强生公司也告诉《卫报》,他们没有足够的科学证据对此发表评论。

    A spokesperson for AstraZeneca said they were " loth to rule anything out " when it comes to helping with post-vaccine aches but they were " certainly not aware of it being helpful . " Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson both told the Guardian that there was not sufficient scientific evidence for them to be able to comment .

  3. 但该公司首席运营官杨青(SteveYang)呼吁保持谨慎。杨青毕业于加州大学(UniversityofCalifornia),曾在阿斯利康、辉瑞担任高管。

    Steve Yang , the company 's chief operating officer and a veteran of AstraZeneca , Pfizer and the University of California , urges caution .

  4. 方法本研究为阿斯利康公司的扩大记名供应(ExpandedAccessProgramme,EAP)研究的一部分。

    Methods : The study was one part of the EAP ( Expanded Access Programme ) studies .

  5. 据NPR新闻的詹姆斯·罗利报道,阿斯利康公司以报价太低回绝了该提案。

    NPR 's James Roly reports AstraZeneca is rejecting that offer as it is too low .

  6. 阿斯利康的市场公关经理耶斯钱斯(jezchance)表示,该公司已经摒弃了“朋友和家人”的招聘方式。

    Jez chance , marketing communications manager , says the company has moved away from a " friends and family " approach .

  7. 阿斯利康全球产品组合及产品战略执行副总裁卢克猠尔斯(LukeMiels)称,随着中国当局不断简化制度,监管环境正在改善。

    Luke Miels , head of global product and portfolio strategy for AstraZeneca , says the regulatory environment is improving as authorities streamline the system .

  8. TheANTWorks首席战略官托马斯o格尼表示,这也意味着重叠程度最大的治疗领域(如心血管、神经科学和心脏病学)将是阿斯利康最有可能裁员的领域。

    That also implies that the therapeutic areas with the greatest overlap , such as cardiovascular , neurosciences , and cardiology will be most likely to be cut at AstraZeneca , says Thomas Gurney , CSO at The ANT Works .

  9. 大卫布伦南(davidbrennan)可能是英瑞制药商阿斯利康(astrazeneca)的首席执行官,但这位生于美国的管理者却花很多时间呆在祖国。

    David Brennan may be chief executive of an anglo-swedish drugmaker , but the US-born manager spends a lot of time in his native country .

  10. 比如,和黄中国医药科技正在跟阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)与礼来(EliLilly)合作,而百济神州与德国的默克(Merck)进行合作。

    China-MediTech , for example , is working with AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly , while BeiGene is paired with Merck of Germany .

  11. 根据阿斯利康公司所发布的消息称,有50%之多的NSAID长期使用者伴有胃肠道溃疡的风险。

    According to a company news release , as many as50 % of chronic NSAID users are at risk for gastrointestinal ulcers .

  12. 在开发这种所谓癌症免疫疗法的公司中,默克集团(Merck&Co)、百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)、罗氏(Roche)及阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)赫然在列。这种免疫疗法的原理,是利用机体的免疫力对抗癌细胞。

    Merck & Co , Bristol-Myers Squibb , Roche and AstraZeneca are among those developing so-called cancer immunotherapies that harness the body 's immune system to fight tumours .

  13. 在惠氏的案子,这笔钱将与另一名举报人——劳伦·基夫(LaurenKieff)——分享,后者曾是辉瑞竞争对手阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的销售代表。

    In the Wyeth case , this would be shared with another whistleblower , Lauren Kieff , a former sales representative for AstraZeneca , a rival of Pfizer 's.

  14. 阿斯利康希望Jupiter研究结果可以影响政府推荐的胆固醇指南在明年扩展,以增加Crestor处方量。

    AstraZeneca is hoping the Jupiter study results will influence government-recommended cholesterol guidelines to be expanded next year to increase the number of prescriptions for Crestor .

  15. 阿斯利康公司的Iressa和Amgen公司的Vectibix是目前用于临床治疗结直肠肿瘤、肺癌、乳腺癌和其他肿瘤的EGFR拮抗剂。

    Iressa from AstraZeneca and Vectibix from Amgen are among EGFR blockers now available to treat colorectal , lung , breast and other cancers .

  16. 制药公司阿斯利康(astrazeneca)已着手寻找最佳方式,将技能短缺领域和被引荐的候选人进行匹配。

    One employer that has set out to find the best way to match areas of skills shortages with referred candidates is AstraZeneca , the pharmaceutical company .

  17. 然而,逐渐地,和黄医药开始与礼来(EliLilly)和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)等西方制药商合作,建立自主研发能力。

    Gradually , however , China MediTech , or Chi-Med , began building its own R & D capabilities in partnership with western drugmakers including Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca .

  18. 即便如此,曾任阿斯利康驻中国高管、现任聚焦亚洲的药物开发商AslanPharmaceuticals首席执行官的卡尔•弗思(CarlFirth)表示,监管环境仍然严峻。

    Even so , the regulatory environment remains difficult , according to Carl Firth , a former AstraZeneca executive in China who is now chief executive of Aslan Pharmaceuticals , an Asia-focused drug developer .

  19. 去年8月份,兽医出身的罗氏(Roche)高管帕斯卡尔•索略特(PascalSoriot)被任命为阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的新任首席执行官,尽管这家制药集团拥有一位明显的内部候选人——首席财务官及代理CEO西蒙•劳斯(SimonLouth)。

    In August Pascal Soriot , vet-turned-Roche executive , was named the new boss at AstraZeneca , even though the pharmaceutical group had an obvious internal candidate in Simon Louth , chief financial officer and interim chief executive .

  20. 它的英国竞争对手阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)上周宣布,由于销售渠道受挫,同时畅销药面临失去专利保护,公司计划裁减7300个工作岗位。

    AstraZeneca , a UK rival , last week announced plans to cut 7,300 jobs as its pipeline stutters and its big-selling drugs face up to the loss of patent protection .

  21. 在乌干达的BidiBidi难民营,20万难民中只有不到2%的人接种过阿斯利康疫苗。

    In Uganda 's Bidi Bidi camp , less than 2 percent of 200000 refugees have received a single shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine .

  22. 阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)已停止为参加国际医学会议的医生支付差旅费用。这个大胆举措旨在整治长期以来被批评者视为激进营销的行业惯例。

    AstraZeneca has stopped paying the travel expenses of doctors to attend international medical conferences , in a bold move to clamp down on an industry practice long viewed by critics as aggressive marketing .

  23. 阿斯利康的Crestor试验的用于预防治疗方面的高调报道发表在周日的新英格兰杂志上。

    All this hype about the preventative aspects of AstraZeneca 's ( AZN ) Crestor study published in Sunday 's New England Journal of Medicine .

  24. 与美国礼来(EliLilly)合作研发的呋喹替尼(Fruquintinib)用于结肠直肠癌和肺癌的治疗,与英国阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)共同研发的savolitinib旨在治疗肾癌和胃癌。

    Fruquintinib , developed in partnership with Eli Lilly of the US , is targeted at colorectal and lung cancer , while savolitinib , co-developed with AstraZeneca of the UK , is aimed at kidney and gastric cancer .

  25. 阿斯利康总部位于英国伦敦,全球员工65000名。

    AstraZeneca is headquartered in London , and has65,000 employees worldwide .

  26. 总部位于英国的阿斯利康公司作为监管赞助商主导这项试验。

    United Kingdom-based AstraZeneca is leading the trial as regulatory sponsor .

  27. 阿斯利康在外包环境下的中国制药供应商质量管理

    The Quality Management of Chinese Pharmaceutical Suppliers by Astrazeneca under Outsourcing Environment

  28. 该项研究由美国特拉华州威尔明顿的阿斯利康公司赞助。

    The research was funded in part by AstraZeneca of Wilmington , Del .

  29. 英国政府已订购1亿剂牛津-阿斯利康疫苗。

    The UK government has ordered 100 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine .

  30. 中国应该建立自己的药物研发队伍&专访阿斯利康制药公司总裁麦奇洛爵士

    China Should Build Its Own Drug Research Team