
  • 网络Abyei;UNISFA
  1. 但他补充说,同一时期他们的边境地区也发生了武装冲突,阿卜耶伊(Abyei)爆发危机,北部州南科尔多凡(SouthernKordofan)目前还在交战之中。

    But , he added , the same period has also seen armed clashes along their border , a crisis in Abyei , and fighting currently under way in the northern state of Southern Kordofan .

  2. 石油丰富的阿卜耶伊受到南北双方的觊觎。

    Oil-rich Abyei is coveted by both the north and the south .

  3. 它还要求阿卜耶伊建立新的联合政府。

    It also suggested a new joint administration for Abyei .

  4. 南方称,北方军队占领阿卜耶伊是战争行为。

    The south said the capture of Abyei was an act of war .

  5. 同时富油地区阿卜耶伊的归属问题一直悬而未决。

    In addition , the sovereignty of oil-rich Abyei has remained in dispute as well .

  6. 经过三天的冲突和炮击之后,北方军队袭击了阿卜耶伊。

    Troops from the northern army attacked Abyei after three days of clashes and artillery bombardments .

  7. 它发生在石油资源丰富的地区阿卜耶伊,接近苏丹南部。

    It took place near the oil-rich region of Abyei , which is close to southern Sudan .

  8. 他传达了奥巴马对于苏丹部队继续停留在阿卜耶伊的深切关注。

    He expressed President Obama 's deep concern over the continued presence of Sudanese forces in Abyei .

  9. 阿卜耶伊前首席执行官在早期报道中称,已造成大约一百名平民死亡。

    Based on early reports , Abyei 's former chief administrator said about one hundred civilians were killed .

  10. 阿卜耶伊座落在跨越苏丹南北边境线的石油蕴藏丰富的油田上,双方都声称这片油田属于自己。

    Abyei , which sits on rich oil fields straddling the north-south border , is claimed by both sides .

  11. 双方互相谴责对方支持领土内的叛乱分子,并声称对有争议的阿卜耶伊地区拥有所有权。

    Both sides accuse the other of supporting rebels on their territory and claim the disputed region of Abyei .

  12. 同一天阿卜耶伊的居民也应该决定加入北部或南部了。

    People in Abyei were supposed to decide that same day whether to join the north or the south .

  13. 一个国际边界委员会裁定,阿卜耶伊属于苏丹南方,但是在北方的苏丹政府拒绝承认这个裁决。

    An international boundary commission determined that Abyei belongs to the south . But Khartoum has refused to recognize the findings .

  14. 上个月,北部军队夺取了阿卜耶伊大部分地区,这是苏丹中部富含油田的地区。

    Last month northern forces seized most of Abyei , an area rich in oil fields in the central part of Sudan .

  15. 双方没有分歧,苏丹政府并没有坚持要让政府军驻扎在阿卜耶伊。

    There is no difference between the two parties and the government is not insisting to keep troops in the Abyei area .

  16. 约翰过去家园的焦黑残骸几乎正对着联合国驻阿卜耶伊军事基地的前门。

    The charred remains of John 's former home are virtually opposite the front entrance to the UN military base in Abyei .

  17. 苏丹北部的部队称,他们已经控制了与苏丹南部边境处有争议的城镇阿卜耶伊。

    Troops from northern Sudan say they 've taken control of the disputed town of Abyei on the border with southern Sudan .

  18. 北部已经拒绝美国、联合国和南苏丹要它从阿卜耶伊撤军的要求。

    The north has rejected calls from the United States , the United Nations and south Sudan to remove its troops from Abyei .

  19. 现在仍然有许多问题需要解决,包括边境地区阿卜耶伊和资源,司法问题,公民身份等棘手的问题。

    There are still many problems to resolve , including the border region Abyei and tricky issues like resources , legal matters and citizenship .

  20. 经过几个月的争执之后,距离联合国安理会访问阿卜耶伊还有两天的时间,事态的这种进展确实令人震惊。

    This is a startling development following months of arguments and just two days before the UN Security Council was due to visit Abyei .

  21. 今年往南的迁移已经开始,尤其因为阿卜耶伊的大火之后,每个人都在为更多暴力做准备。

    This year 's migrations south have already started , and , especially after the torching of Abyei , everyone is preparing for more trouble .

  22. 在今年5月中旬,苏丹南北双方的部队在阿卜耶伊爆发激烈冲突,摧毁了这个城镇,使10万人逃难。

    In mid-May , fierce clashes between northern and southern troops in Abyei destroyed the town and sent as many as100,000 people fleeing for safety .

  23. 北苏丹军队上周在南科尔多凡省与义勇军发生了战斗,他们上周控制了南北边境处的阿卜耶伊。

    Northern Sudanese troops have battled militia forces in Southern Kordofan , last week seizing control of the Abyei region , on the north-south border .

  24. 联合国称,这次无正当理由的袭击发生在阿卜耶伊地区,南北双方均声称这里是自己的领土。

    The attack , which the UN has called unprovoked , took place in the Abyei region , which is being claimed by both sides .

  25. 在双方的部队完全撤离之后,这支联合部队才能全面负责阿卜耶伊的治安。

    But the police force has not arrived and the joint unit cannot take full charge of security in Abyei until the military withdrawal is complete .

  26. 这次非洲联盟保护下的会晤将集中在有争议的阿卜耶伊和石油资源丰富的北方省份南科尔多凡省。

    The meeting under the auspices of the African Union will focus on the disputed region of Abyei and the oil-rich northern state of South Kordofan .

  27. 来自南北苏丹的代表签署协议,从有争议的阿卜耶伊地区撤出自己的军队,允许埃塞俄比亚维和人员进入。

    Representatives of north and south Sudan have signed an agreement to withdraw their troops from the disputed Abyei region and allow Ethiopian peacekeepers to move in .

  28. 喀土穆方面称,他们将在满足特定条件的情况下从阿卜耶伊撤军。但是他们否认基于种族的原因袭击平民。

    Khartoum says it will withdraw its troops from the disputed region of Abyei under certain conditions , but has denied targeting people on an ethnic basis .

  29. 联合国驻苏丹维和任务指挥官表示,他对有争议的边境地区阿卜耶伊不断增加的军事化的担忧不断增加。

    The commander of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Sudan has said he is worried about the increased militarisation of the disputed border region of Abyei .

  30. 在苏丹石油蕴藏丰富的阿卜耶伊地区,局势再次紧张,因为南部苏丹的官员抱怨说,北方政府部队还没撤离该地区。

    Tension is mounting again in Sudan 's oil-rich region of Abyei , following complaints from south Sudanese officials that northern troops have not withdrawn from the area .